
Thursday, April 9, 2015

St Vincent De Paul Store Robbery

St Vincent De Paul Store Robbery ---
tags:  Attack on Church, Attack on power, robbery, vandalism

1 church store vandalized, robbed April 1, 2015  Thieves rob, vandalize Renton St. Vincent de Paul store KING‑TV St. Vincent de Paul's Thrift Store in Renton after thieves broke in, had inside knowledge of where expensive items were were kept. "They stole our 800 lb safe with our money, cash in it, jewelry, Latino outreach computers, couple of TVs," ripped out building  power wiring. (looks more like attack on a church  than a mere robbery if they took out the power)

January 29, 2012 $2,000 damage to building Minneapolis Catholic thrift store is broken into, robbers make hold in wall take safe Star Tribune Jan 30, 2012 -Robbers entered through a 3 ft diamber hole that was made by robbers who stole a safe and ... 3 feet in diameter -- was poked through the wall nearest Lake Street, Woolsey said.iameter -- was poked through the wall nearest Lake Street, Woolsey said. Cash from register tills was taken, as was a safe weighing about 100 pounds, suggesting to Woolsey that more than one person was involved. Woolsey added that security video discs were also taken, leaving himself and others who run the store to think that someone who works or once worked there might have had a hand in the crime. " up to a thousand dollars" was taken from the shop, $2,000 or more in damage to the building, Koerner added.

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