
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Serbia Incidents

Serbia Incidents ---

Serbia was ally of US in WWI and WWII

In 1999, Bill Clinton unleashed a NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia, primarily against the Christian Serbs, and troops US troops to fight alongside Albanian Muslims.  Kosovo Sarajevo no longer has  non-Muslims In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia.  Serbian named Slobodan Milosevic, a former Communist who had turned to nationalism and religious hatred to gain power. He began by inflaming long-standing tensions between Serbs and Muslims in the independent provence of Kosovo. Orthodox Christian Serbs in Kosovo were in the minority and claimed they were being mistreated by the Albanian Muslim majority. Serbian-backed political unrest in Kosovo eventually led to its loss of independence and domination by Milosev

April 1992, the U.S. and European Community chose to recognize the independence of Bosnia, a mostly Muslim country where the Serb minority made up 32 percent of the population. Milosevic responded to Bosnia's declaration of independence by attacking Sarajevo, its capital city, best known for hosting the 1984 Winter Olympics. Sarajevo soon became known as the city where Serb snipers continually shot down helpless civilians in the streets, including eventually over 3,500 children. Bosnian Muslims were hopelessly outgunned

April 27, 2015 Sarajevo-Sarajevo “Gunman Shouting Allahu Akbar in Bosnia Storms Police Station,” AP SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Apr 27, 2015, A gunman stormed into a police station...
On March 24, 1999, Bill Clinton unleashed a disastrous NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia, against the Christian Serbs, against a sovereign nation that did not pose a threat to members of the alliance. Every day it becomes terribly clear how vicious it was of President Clinton to send US troops to fight alongside Albanian Muslims and defeat the Christian Serbs in the cause of Islam. American troops fought in order to pave the way for an Islamic state in heart of Europe — Kosovo. Sarajevo has been ethnically cleansed of non-Muslims. But no one ever talks about that.

3 killed February 24. 2015 Serbian America's Next Top Model contestant murdered: dailymail Teen came to US as a war refugee, was rejected by show and died in 'drug shooting' Mirjana Puhar, who appeared in the show last year, was found dead on Tuesday afternoon with her boyfriend, 23, and a friend, 21, at their home Emmanuel Jesus Rangel, 19, has been arrested in connection with the deaths and in another murder, which took place on Sunday Police say they believe the murders were drug-related and that the killer knew his victims Puhar, who moved to the U.S. from Serbia as a child, was just 18 when she appeared in the reality TV series but was eliminated on the 10th show A contestant on the last year's season of American's Next Top Model has been found killed in a triple homicide in North Carolina. Mirjana Puhar, 19, her boyfriend, Jonathan Cosme Alvarado, 23, and a friend, Jusmar Isiah Gonzaga-Garcia, 21, were found shot inside a home in Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday.

On 1 March 1992, a Serb wedding in downtown Sarajevo was attacked. Nikola Gardović, the groom's father, was the only person killed.[20] The attackers were reportedly Muslims, and it is alleged that they were provoked when the wedding guests brandished Serbian flags as the wedding procession moved through the area of old bazaar Baščaršija.

June 28, 1914 Who started WW One? » The Assassination Dragutin Dimitrijević, the Head of Serbian Military Intelligence, approved and supported the plot to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Dimitrijević, commonly known as Apis (his bull-like physique recalled the ancient Egyptian god), also led the Black Hand movement, a secret society dedicated to the formation of a Greater Serbia, and fellow members of this underground organisation, Major Vojislav Tankosić and Milan Ciganović, supplied and trained the assassins. Tankosić, the closest to Apis, was a Serbian army officer in charge of guerrilla training. Ciganović worked for the Serbian State Railway and had fought with Tankosić against the Bulgarians. Tankosić supplied the cell with six bombs, four semi-automatic pistols, ammunition, money, cyanide powder, and directions and credentials for the safe route used by the Black Hand to infiltrate arms and agents into Austria-Hungary. Ciganović trained them in the use of the weapons.

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