
Friday, April 3, 2015

Memories Pizza Hit By Death, Arson Threat, Cyberbullying for Speech Crime

Memories Pizza Hit By Death, Arson Threat, Cyberbullying for Speech Crime  ---

website Support Memories Pizze $800,000 as of late friday

The federal law

42 U.S. Code § 2000bb–1 - Free exercise of religion protected | LII / Legal Information Institute

(a) In general
Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Exception
Government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—
(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and
(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
(c) Judicial relief
A person whose religious exercise has been burdened in violation of this section may assert that violation as a claim or defense in a judicial proceeding and obtain appropriate relief against a government. Standing to assert a claim or defense under this section shall be governed by the general rules of standing under article III of the Constitution.
State law:

Indiana's Senate Bill 101
The law provides, in pertinent part: "A governmental entity may substantially burden a person's exercise of religion only if the governmental entity demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: 
(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and 
(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. A person whose exercise of religion has been substantially burdened, or is likely to be substantially burdened, by a violation of this chapter may assert the violation or impending violation as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding, regardless of whether the state or any other governmental entity is a party to the proceeding."

The amendment clarifies:
"This chapter does not (1) authorize a provider to refuse to offer services, facilities, use of public accommodations... on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or United States military service."

* Sources

  1. Opening up a new frontier in the left's ongoing effort to intimidate opponents into silence, a Virginia TV reporter tweeted on Wednesday that "I ...
  2. More news for Memories Pizza fraud

  3. CBS Affiliate Employee Being Investigated for Bogus Fraud ...

    2 days ago - I have reported the GoFundMe for Memories Pizza for fraud. ... When challenged for filing a fraud complaint based on no evidence, Bryan said ...
  4. Va. CBS employee reports #MemoriesPizza ... - Twitchy

  5. 2 days ago - I have reported the GoFundMe for Memories Pizza for fraud. ... Investigated for Bogus Fraud Report against 'Memories Pizza' | The Gateway ...

  6. "carefully-orchestrated campaign by an experienced rabble-rouser"

  7. The Indiana Memories Pizza Fundraiser Is A Evil Staged Conservative Conspiracy...

    2 days ago - The GoFundMe campaign to support Memories Pizza which has ... fraudamong “Obamacare Navigators” in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.While the outrage toward their announcement was certainly legitimate, the GoFundMe campaign that was launched to support Memories Pizza and has currently raised over half a million dollars is about as genuine as a three dollar bill. Yesterday, Glenn Beck’s website The Blaze gushed over the fundraiser, calling it the “Greatest Thing I’ve Seen In Years” as their blogger Jason Howerton wrote. In less than 24 hours, over 8,000 people have donated more than $228,000 for the embattled Christian owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. A slew of online threats forced the small business to close its doors after the owners told a local news station that they would refuse to cater for same-sex weddings based on their religious beliefs. Among all of the donations was a $20 contribution that is being called the “greatest things I’ve seen in years” and the epitome of “real tolerance.” The GoFundMe page was set up by Lawrence Jones, a contributor for TheBlaze TV’s “Dana.” (Source) As you notice, The Blaze admits that the page was set up by Lawrence Jones, a contributor to their TV program anchored by Dana Loesch. Seems transparent enough, right? Not really. It’s already obvious that the campaign was started by an employee of The Blaze, but that’s not all there is to the story. Lawrence Jones isn’t just a contributor to The Blaze, Lawrence Jones is also a political operative who has worked with James O’Keefe from Project Veritas as an “investigator.” Yes, that James O’Keefe. Aside from his status at the University of North Texas as a double-major pre-law student, he is also a “pastor of college ministry” and the 2013 FreedomWorks Activist of the Year. However, his greatest claim to fame may be his work with Project Veritas, the infamous “conservative non-profit” spearheaded by James O’Keefe. As reported here, Jones went undercover for Project Veritas to “expose” fraud among “Obamacare Navigators” in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. So before anyone gets the idea that this is some sort of “grassroots” endeavor by an average citizen, it should be pointed out that this is a carefully-orchestrated campaign by an experienced rabble-rouser who is not above using the “average citizens” for political grandstanding, or associating with those who do the same. (Source)

    Read more at:
  8. Robert Joseph Mastronardi · Follow · Highland Springs High
    This article is everything to me. My husband and I have been fuming over the fact that these bigots will profit and rake in more than we could muster up in a decade between the two of us. I don't understand why GoFundMe hasn't pulled the plug.
    Reply · Like · 138 · Follow Post · April 3 at 1:26pm

  9. JD Sweet · Follow ·  Top Commenter · St. Louis · 104 followers
    Everyone needs to report the gofundme campaign as being fraudulent, and they they probably would. After all, the person who started it isn't associated with the business in any shape, way or form. It's a political motivation I think which is a prohibited type of campaign.
    Reply · Like · 108 · April 3 at 2:05pm
    Jennifer C Call ·  Top Commenter

  10. It's not fraudulent. It was started by a conservative talk show host to protect this family from leftie bullying. They have a RIGHT to their beliefs. They have NEVER discriminated. Would you all feel the same if they said they would refuse to cater a Nazi wedding. Stop the gay bullying.
    Reply · Like · 199 · April 3 at 2:48pm
    Katrin Mooney ·  Top Commenter

  11. Jennifer C Call There's no "gay bullying" so stop it with that right wing nonsense rhetoric. Keep in mind that THEY were the ones who started it. As a business serving the public, you can't pick and choose which part of that public you want to serve. So yes, you have to serve the Nazis, gays, Christians and what not. Just that simple. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Does your god need that much protection?
    Reply · Like · 504 · April 3 at 2:51pm
  12. JD Sweet · Follow ·  Top Commenter · St. Louis · 104 followers

  13. Everyone needs to report that campaign as being fraudulent on gofundme. I reported it as being fraudulent, but it'll take more people to make it effective. It's evident they're defrauding the innocent taking advantage of the situation. Report it as fraudulent, and they should shut it down. There appears to be a political motive behind this, and whoever started the campaign is not related to the business in any shape, way or form. They're defrauding the public.
  14. Reply · Like · 6 · April 3 at 2:35pm

  15. Jennifer C Call ·  Top Commenter
  16. It's NOT fraudulent. Stop the lying. They have NEVER discriminated, they lured a naive young girl, with a hypothetical situation. She could have lied, but she told the truth. Besides who has pizza at a wedding? It's all bogus, but you need to stop forcing people to believe the way you do, you don't have that right, and you cannot punish someone for a hypothetical situation. By the way, Muslim bakeries refuse to bake cakes for homosexual weddings, Where's your outrage about that?
  17. Reply · Like · 80 · April 3 at 2:54pm

  18. Scott Petersen Bennett ·  Top Commenter
  19. Jennifer C Call - the gofundme was started by a political hack, with the intention of keeping it in the news and drumming up further controversy. He has nothing to do with the owners of the restaurant. So yes, it is fraudulent, in the sense of it's intentions. But, the pizza place will probably get (some of) the money anyway. Bigotry is bigotry, no matter who it comes from and no matter how small of a town it is. "Religious liberty" is a fucking joke.

  20. Memories Pizza Was an INSIDE JOB!!! Angry Bitter Liberals ...

  22. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to think the owners of a small pizzeria were able to get reporters out to misrepresent their comments, expect the ridiculous backlash they got, and then hire Dana Loesch to publicize a donation page. But these liberals prove over and over that they are, indeed, a special kind of stupid.

  23. Gay Marriage Christian Choir Sings Outside Memories Pizza Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, April 5, 2015, 1:23 AM A gay Christian choir sang outside of Memories Pizza today in Walkerton, Indiana Saturday afternoon. with flags and posters in support of gay marriage as they sang outside the closed pizzeria for about an hour.  Members say the issue in Walkerton is tearing people apart. So, they wanted to do something to try and fix it, singing “Let There be Peace on Earth” and “Jesus loves me"

Putin's Russian RT condemns anti-gay remarks Pile of dough: Indiana pizzeria raises $600k after anti-gay remarks go viral  56 mins ago - Backers of an online crowdfunding campaign have pledged over $638,000 to Memories Pizza of Walkerton, IN as of lunchtime on Friday this week.

Arson threat targeting Christian pizzeria just a 'mean tweet,' says Indiana news exec The news director for an Indiana TV station was under fire Friday for characterizing as “mean” a high school coach’s tweeted threat to burn down a family-owned pizzeria that supported the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Left outraged: They want a baker to be able to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex wedding
e.j. dionne washingont post Going far beyond what the original Religious Freedom Restoration Act had in mind at the federal level, they want a baker to be able to refuse to confect a cake for the reception after the ceremonies and for a florist to decline to provide the bouquets
  1. Just the tip of the iceberg too. RT @LawrenceBJones3: The latest attack! ... The O'Connors from #MemoriesPizza join me on the #DLRS today, beginning live at 12pmCT. — Dana Loesch ...
  2. More news for memories pizza RT

  3. Lefty account 'hacked,' issues threat to rob Memories Pizza ...

    20 hours ago - At least one “mean tweet” tried to rally a mob to burn down the pizzeria. ... that I posted a threat to rob Memories Pizza. I was hacked, and this is unfair. RT.
  4. Tweeter who threatened to rob #MemoriesPizza now admits ...

    3 hours ago - and that his threat to rob Memories Pizza was always a joke: ...Weazle2001 RT @papalputz: A pizza parlor when you could have helped save a childs life?
  5. This comes

  1. Was Memories Pizza a Victim of Irresponsible Journalism ...
    20 hours ago - Memories Pizza, while not as gay-affirming as many of us would like, didn't announce pending discrimination.Was Memories Pizza a Victim of Irresponsible Journalism? Yes.
    Memories Pizza, while not as gay-affirming as many of us would like, didn't announce pending discrimination.
    Robby Soave|Apr. 2, 2015 5:35 pm
    As Reason Editor in Chief Matt Welch noted earlier today, Memories Pizza was forced to close because of death threats the business received in response to its owners' statements regarding RFRA and service to gay customers (they said they would serve anyone but could not in good conscience cater a gay wedding). And that's a terrible thing, regardless of what one thinks about religious freedom, or gay rights, or discrimination. No one should be threatened with violence, period.

    Many in the media—particularly on the right—are now accusing those who reported and re-reported the story of irresponsible journalism. And they have a very good case.

    The owners of Memories Pizza, the O'Connor family, did not willingly seek out controversy, deny service to a gay person or couple, or even go out on a limb to suggest that they would. No, they merely responded to a question from Alyssa Marino, a local reporter for ABC 57 News who had come to their shop in search of a story
  2. .Support Memories Pizza Campaign Hits $200K (and ...

    National Review‘Support Memories Pizza’ Campaign Hits $200K (and Counting) in 20 Hours April 2, 2015 2:54 PM With the help of The Blaze host Dana Loesch, a GoFundMe campaign to support Memories Pizza has raised more than $200,000 in less than 24 hours. Yesterday, after telling a local reporter that they would not be willing to cater a same-sex wedding, the O’Connors of Walkerton, Ind., received death threats and threats to their business — leading them to shut down indefinitely. Kevin O’Connor, who owns the small-town pizza parlor, says he is not sure when he will be able to reopen.

    Read more at:
  4. These lib threats to man who launched GoFundMe for ...

    20 hours ago - These lib threats to man who launched GoFundMe for Memories Pizzawill make your blood boil [screenshots]. Posted at 5:37 pm on April 2, 2015 by Twitchy ...
  5. Donations flood Indiana's Memories Pizza after RFRA fallout ...

    Yahoo! News
    23 hours ago - From Yahoo News: Supporters of Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act Memories Pizza are donating en masse to a pizzeria that said it would refuse to ...
  6. Memories Pizza - Walkerton, IN | Yelp › Restaurants › Italian

     Rating: 2.5 - ‎333 reviews - ‎Price range: $
    14 mins ago - 333 Reviews of Memories Pizza "Okay folks. One, for the record and to start off, I Love the Lord. Yep! I do. He sacrficed himself for the good of all who repent that ...
  7. Right-Wing 'Extremists' Using Memories Pizza to - Mediaite

    3 hours ago - The saga of the now-closed Memories Pizza is being used by conservatives to distract from the real issues at hand, says celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton.
  8. Memories Pizza in Indiana Gets Thousands in Donations ... › Money
    ABC News
    1 day ago - The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, near the border with Michigan, told ABC News' South Bend, Indiana, affiliate WBND that they don't support ...
  9. Indiana pizza shop won't cater gay wedding, gets over $50 K
    The Washington Post
    19 hours ago - But Memories Pizza — “a Walkerton mainstay,” according to local media, for more than a decade — is feeling the heat of a great debate about religious freedom ...
  10. 'Religious Freedom', Memories Pizza Donations Top Wildest ...

    19 hours ago - Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, has featured prominently in a number of national media pieces as being the center of controversy over Indiana's ...

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