
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Crime as Possible Terrorist Attack

Crime as Possible Terrorist Attack --- ===
Terrorist Crime

Some terrorist attacks look like ordinary crimes or hate crimes or accidents with no hint of a political motive until further investigation or confession. Conversely some inexplicable extraordinary crimes which have no apparent motive could be more easily explained as a terrorist attack with no visible connections to any political cause or organization.


Islamist Al Shabab terrorist had committed numerous crimes, his real motive was probably terrorism against host nation
5 June 2017 Yacqub Khayre Islamist Inspired Austalia Gunman 2 killed including suspect suicide by police 3 police wounded  29 year old Somali-born Yacqub Khayre shot dead receptionist Kai Hao in the foyer at a serviced apartment complex in the suburb of Brighton in Melbourne. He then took a female escort hostage in an apartment. He contacted both the police and the media. Police responded and Khayre died in a shoot out with three police officers wounded. Khayre had referred to ISIS and al-Qaeda in a phone call to the media. In 2010 he had been acquitted of the Holsworthy Barracks terror plot after 4 August 2009, four men connected with the Somali-based terrorist group al-Shabaab were arrested and charged. In 2009 at age 21, Khayre traveled to Somalia for training with Al Shabab terrorists. In 2011 he returned to prison including for possession of a firearm.In 2012, he was arrested for a 2012 drug-affected violent home invasion In 2007, at the age of 19, Khayre was sentenced for more than 40 offences, including multiple counts of burglary, aggravated burglary, theft, unlawful assault and drug possession.

1 killed murder, plot April 19, 2015 Sid Ahmed Ghlam Murders Dancer Arrested Before Church Attacks French authorities partly foiled a terrorist plot by arresting computer science student Sid Ahmed Ghlam. Authorities were too late to save dancer and fitness instructor Aurelie Chatelain who he murdered,  riddled with bullets as she sat in her car in a  Paris suburb earlier in the day. Detectives who searched his apartment later found three automatic rifles, handguns, and bulletproof vests, Jihadi flags and literature, false passports, and plans for attacks on 'one or two' churches in the Paris area.

June 25, 2014 August 4, 2014 Radicalized Convert Ali Muhammad Brown Charged Murder of Gay Man, College Student, Robbery  Ali Muhammad Brown is wanted for the shooting of two gay men in Seattle on June 1, 2014 Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young, and first-degree murder in the April drive-by slaying of a Seattle area Skyway man. The murder of two was being investigated as a possible hate crime against gays possibly motivated by radicalized Islamic beliefs as there were no other apparent motives. Later Brown and two other suspects were charged in connection with killing college student Brendan Tevlin who was surrounded by thugs at a stoplight, then shot and driven to an apartment in West Orange, New Jersey where they took several personal items.   According to August 2014 charging documents, Brown claims to be Muslim and a jihadi. He told investigators that the shooting of the four victims in the Seattle area and New Jersey were “just kills,” or justified shootings of adult males in retaliation for actions by the U.S. government in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. He is in jail on $5 million bail.  From January 2002 to November 2004 Brown, along with three accomplices, successfully defrauded Bank of America, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo and others out of large sums of money led by barber Ruben Shumpert who fled charges to Somalia where he died fighting for Al Shabab terrorists.

terrorist attack staged as crime? September 11, 2011 2011 Waltham triple murder by Boston Marathon terrorists A triple homicide was committed in Waltham, in the U.S. state of Massachusetts, on the evening of .[1][2] Brendan Mess, Erik Weissman, and Raphael Teken were murdered in Mess' apartment. All had their throats slit from ear to ear, with such great force that they were nearly decapitated. Thousands of dollars' worth of marijuana and money were left covering their mutilated bodies, and $5,000 was left at the scene. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the deceased suspect in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, had previously described murder victim Brendan Mess as his best friend, though before Mess was murdered there had been animosity between Tsarnaev and Mess over Mess' "lifestyle". After the bombings and subsequent revelations of Tsarnaev's personal life, the Waltham murders case was reexamined in April 2013 with Tsarnaev as a new suspect.[1] ABC reported that authorities believe Tsarnaev and his younger brother may have been responsible for the triple homicide, All three victims were Jewish according to a number of sources.
German terrorist Eric Muenter Murder of wife - While teaching German at Harvard University in 1906 he poisoned his pregnant wife. Leona Muenter died April 16, 1906

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