
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dilma Rousseff Marxist Brazil President

Dilma Rousseff Marxist Brazil President ---

  1. March 21, 2015 ANTI-MARXIST COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL CLIFF KINCAID President Barack Obama’s fellow Marxist, Dilma Rousseff, is coming under tremendous pressure to resign her presidency in Brazil. As many as three million Brazilians took to the streets on Sunday to demand the impeachment of Rousseff, a former Marxist terrorist, and the end of the rule of the Brazilian Workers’ Party. treasurer of the ruling Workers’ Party has been charged with corruption and money laundering linked to the state-run oil company, Petrobras, a firm which has benefitted from U.S. taxpayer loans provided through the Export-Import Bank under Obama. While Obama has attempted to stifle oil development and production in the United States, his administration officially launched an “ energy partnership” with Brazil in August of 2011
  2. Kleber VerraesMay 6th 2014 Economist: Dilma Tousseff  is a former Marxist terrorist, a confessed bank robber and kidnapper Lula and Dilma Rousseff are a disgrace to Brazil. These lousy politicians are addicted to corruption, heavy taxation and archaic economic policies from the 1950’s. Undoubtedly, they represent the worst type of Latin American populism and crony capitalism. remind those readers who are not familiar with Dilma Rousseff's (a.k.a. STELLA) "distinguished" resume, that she is a former Marxist terrorist, a confessed bank robber and kidnapper. As a matter of fact, STELLA’s “Alma Mater Studiorum” is the VAR-P, an extremely violent Brazilian terrorist group active during the 60s and 70s. The VAR-P was linked to both the Italian Red Brigades and German Baader-Meinhof/Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF). The West Germans, led by Chancellors Helmut Schmidt (SPD) and Helmut Kohl (CDU), have sent their RAF terrorists to hell; but (thanks to sheer ignorance) the Brazilians have elected a former terrorist as their president.
  1. Obama congratulates Brazilian president on re-election Washington Times - Monday, October 27, 2014 President Obama “looks forward to calling” soon to congratulate Ms. Rousseff on her re-election. (but tardy on Netanyahu) White House“committed to continuing to work with President Rousseff,” “The president looks forward to calling President Rousseff in the coming days to congratulate her personally and discuss how we can increase our collaboration to promote global security, prosperity, and respect for human rights, and increased bilateral cooperation on education, energy, trade, and other issues of mutual interest,” the White House said. Last year, Ms. Rousseff was so incensed over the revelations of the National Security Agency eavesdropping on her phone conversations that she canceled a state visit and a state dinner at the White House that was to have been held in her honor
  1. Dilma Vana Rousseff  current President of Brazil. She is the first woman to hold the office. She became a socialist during her youth, and following the 1964 coup d'état joined various left-wing and Marxist urban guerrilla groups that fought against the military dictatorship. Rousseff was eventually captured and jailed between 1970 and 1972, where she was reportedly tortured.

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