
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sacco-Vanzetti Murder Anarchist Case

Sacco-Vanzetti Murder Anarchist Case ---
tags: terrorism, radical politics motive, bias case, worldwide protest, communist,Stalin, left-wing politics, lying authors

2 killed, 2 suspects executed April 15, 1920, Sacco-Vanzetti Murder Anarchist Case  A paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree, Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. The murderers, who were described as two Italian men, escaped with more than $15,000. After going to a garage to claim a car that police said was connected with the crime, Sacco and Vanzetti were arrested and charged with the crime. Although both men carried guns and made false statements upon their arrest, neither had a previous criminal record. On July 14, 1921, they were convicted and sentenced to die. Anti-radical sentiment was running high in America at the time, and the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti was regarded by many as unlawfully sensational.


*Sinclair Upton

  • Glenn Beck Dreamers and Deceivers calls Upton a villian for lying about guilt
  • Lied about their guilt in his book Boston
  • was very hesitant in the late 1930s and early 1940s to condemn Stalin.

*Stalin honored Sacco and Vanzetti by naming ships and streets after them

Was Stalin connected to the anarchist terrorists or just a fan?

The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair: America on Trial
Moshik Temkin - 2014 - ‎HISTORY
Mussolini was not the only rising world leader, or European dictator, with a vested interest in Sacco and Vanzetti's destiny. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin .

  • Newly found letter confirms gulit of Sacco and Vanzetti

    In the way of background, local police apprehended Sacco and Vanzetti in May ...Stalin was looking for a way to discredit the American experience, and this trial ...Newly found letter confirms guilt of Sacco and Vanzetti 
    Intellectual Fraudtrial and subsequent appeals gained real traction when

    the Communist International came to Sacco and Vanzetti, glass slipper in hand. Stalin was looking for a way to discredit the American experience, and this trial, when amplified by a friendly media, offered a great opportunity for Soviet agitprop.

    Almost immediately, “spontaneous” protests sprung up throughout the world. Europe’s great squares filled with sobbing, shouting protestors, declaiming the innocence of the immigrant martyrs and denouncing the vile injustice of their persecutors. This trial and subsequent sideshow would serve as the prototype for anti-American hysterics in the years to come.

    Just like today, the casting call for the Sacco and Vanzetti protests attracted a who’s who of “useful idiots.” Leading literary lights like Upton Sinclair, Katherine Ann Porter, John Dos Passos, and Edna St. Vincent Millay not only protested the seeming injustice but also created literary works around it.

    Scores more picketed, protested, or signed petitions. The Crime Library lists a total of twenty-five books written about the case, a dozen of which are still in print. The tone of most are best reflected in titles like Justice Crucified by Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht in 1977 and The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti by Howard Fast. This latter book was published in 1953, the same year, coincidentally, that Fast, an American Communist, was awarded the oxymoronic Stalin Peace Prize.

    Upton Sinclair, the prestigious socialist author of The Jungle, expressed his outrage in a two volume, 750-page novel called Boston. What the newly discovered letter reveals, however, is that Sinclair knew that the pair were guilty even before he published his novel.
    By Jack Cashill

    © 2006
    A letter from literary great Upton Sinclair found by a southern California collector sheds some startling new light on the granddaddy of all left wing murder trials, that of the Italian anarchists, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.
    Much depends on the guilt or innocence of these archetypal “innocents”-- --the first in a long line of allegedly framed leftists from Alger Hiss to the Rosenbergs to Leonard Peltier to Mumia Abu Jamal--including the very credibility of the American cultural establishment.

    In the way of background, local police apprehended Sacco and Vanzetti in May 1920, following the murder of a paymaster in South Braintree, Massachusetts. When arrested, Sacco had in his pocket six obsolete bullets, which matched the bullet found in the body of Alessandro Berardelli, a security guard killed in the robbery. Stuffed in Sacco’s waistband was the gun through which the fatal bullet had been fired. As to Vanzetti, he carried Berardelli’s revolver.

    In September 1920, Sacco and Vanzetti were both indicted for the murder.....
  • Sacco and Vanzetti: Guilty After All? : NPR › Arts & Life › Books › Author Interviews

    Mar 4, 2006 - Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause ... He thought that a larger truth was that there was repression in America and that that was his subject and that innocent people sometimes were found guilty. I think that he showed a similar kind of ethical lapse later on when he was very hesitant in the late 1930s and early 1940s to condemn Stalin.
  • ..

  • Sacco and Vanzetti - Discover the Networks

    Jan 3, 2006 - (in Sinclair's defense, he, at least, eventually disavowed Stalin). ... The historical importance of the Sacco and Vanzetti trial and its aftermath to ...
  • Sacco and Vanzetti executed - History Channel

    Despite worldwide demonstrations in support of their innocence, Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are executed for murder.
  • Moshik Temkin On his book The Sacco-Vanzetti ... - Rorotoko

    Mar 5, 2010 - Because Sacco and Vanzetti were revolutionary anarchists as well as ... Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, and Joseph Stalin—the two ...
  • Eugene Lyons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . A fellow traveler of Communism in his younger years, Lyons became highly critical of the Soviet Union after several years there as a correspondent of United Press International. Lyons also wrote a biography of President Herbert Hoov "One cannot live in the shadow of Stalin's legend without coming under its spell. My pulse, I am sure, .... The Life and Death of Sacco and Vanzetti. New York: ...In the fall of 1920, with revolution in the wind in Italy and dreaming of becoming the next John Reed, Lyons made his way to Naples bearing credentials of the Federated Press news service and the monthly magazine The Liberator.[7] En route he met another aspiring correspondent bearing identical credentials, Norman H. Matson, and the pair decided to spend the next six months sharing expenses in pursuit of their common goal. Versed in the ongoing case against the Italian-American anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, Lyons made the pilgrimage to Sacco's native village of Torremaggiore, where Sacco's older brother Sabino was mayor.[8] Lyons' Italian experiences were later put to use in his first book, The Life and Death of Sacco and Vanzetti, published in 1927 by the Communist Party-affiliated International Publishers, in which he argued the case for the pair's innocence.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1928, Upton Sinclair published his novel Boston, an indictment of the American judicial system. He explored Vanzetti's life and writings, as its focus, and mixed fictional characters with historical participants in the trials. Though his portrait of Vanzetti was entirely sympathetic, Sinclair disappointed advocates for the defense by failing to absolve Sacco and Vanzetti of the crimes, however much he argued that their trial had been unjust.[154] Years later, he explained: "Some of the things I told displeased the fanatical believers; but having portrayed the aristocrats as they were, I had to do the same thing for the anarchists."[155][156] While doing research for the book, Sinclair found evidence that Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty; he referred to this as an "ethical problem" but did not include the information in his book.[157][158]
  • Sacco and Vanzetti: The Men, the Murders, and the Judgment ...
    Bruce Watson - 2007 - ‎History
    rather tired of hearing about the Sacco-Vanzetti case," William Thompson wrote to Mrs. Evans. Only in the Soviet Union, where Stalin considered their ...
  • Sacco and Vanzetti, 80 Years Later -

    Aug 23, 2007 - Mr. Watson said he did not believe Sacco and Vanzetti were directly .... and Vanzetti were anarchists; the Rosenbergs were spies for Stalin.

  • A rare books collector exposed one of the biggest ...

    Glenn Beck
    Nov 17, 2014 - Paul Hegness found the letter, and revealed the story to Glenn on radio. ... They were not — Stalin was not going to get them die in vain in the Soviet ... had written the book “Boston”, which was the story of Sacco and Vanzetti, ...
  • sinclair | Glenn Beck

    Glenn Beck
    Sinclair's later work, Boston, purported to tell the real story of the railroading of Sacco and Vanzetti, two anarchists who were tried, convicted and executed for a ...
    Missing: stalin
  • “[H]istory shows the truth eventually wins”: Readers respond ...

    Nov 25, 2014 - In an effort to further the conversation on Glenn Beck's "Dreamers and ... with Joseph Stalin himself honoring the pair through christening two naval ... had seen evidence indicating that Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty, and lied ...
  • A rebel's guide to Guthrie | International Socialist Review

    International Socialist Review
    ... a legendary American artist can come from a knuckle-dragger like Glenn Beck. ... and steadfastly defending the pact between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in ... to martyred anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, concerts that vigorously protested ...
  • Belle of Liberty's Blog | Letting Freedom Ring

    ... cause under the sun, from the Scottsboro Boys to Sacco-Vanzetti. ... in the USSR under Stalin's collectivization, mass wealth redistribution, and five-year plans. ......Glenn Beck said that the Reformation – the break with the Roman Catholic ...
  • How a Lost Letter Revealed Upton Sinclair's ... - Facebook

    (For an overview of what we're doing, see:… ... Menino, the mayor who welcomed Sacco and Vanzetti - The Boston... It took a special ...
    Missing: stalin

    Nov 22, 2014 - Dreamers and deceivers, by glenn beck with kevin balfe ...... 1927 Joseph Stalin was enraged at the news that Sacco and Vanzetti had been executed ... The Letters of Sacco and Vanzetti, a book that collected their numerous ..

  • *Sources

  • Sacco and Vanzetti: The Men, the Murders, and the Judgment ...
    Bruce Watson - 2007 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
    The Soviet navy christened one ship the Sacco, another the VanzettiStreets were named for the men, and even as Stalin's purge trials made the Dedham ...
  • Sacco and Vanzetti executed - History Channel

    Despite worldwide demonstrations in support of their innocence, Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are executed for murder.

    1. Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Nicola Sacco (April 22, 1891 – August 23, 1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (June 11, 1888 – August 23, 1927) were Italian-born anarchists who were convicted of ...
    2. The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti - The Atlantic

      The Atlantic
      In 1921, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both Italian-Americans, were convicted of robbery and murder. Although the arguments brought against them ...

      • Image result for sacco and vanzetti
      • Image result for sacco and vanzetti
      • Image result for sacco and vanzetti
      • Image result for sacco and vanzetti
      More images for sacco and vanzetti

    3. Sacco and Vanzetti executed - History Channel

      Despite worldwide demonstrations in support of their innocence, Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are executed for murder.
    4. Sacco and Vanzetti - Digital History

      University of Houston
      During the 20th century, a number of trials have excited widespread public interest. One of the first cause celebrities was the case of Nicola Sacco, a 32-year-old ...
    5. Sacco and Vanzetti Put to Death Early This Morning

      The New York Times
      23 -- Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti died in the electric chair early this morning, carrying out the sentence imposed on them for the South Braintree ...
    6. Sacco-Vanzetti case | law case | Encyclopedia Britannica

      Encyclopaedia Britannica
      Sacco-Vanzetti case, controversial murder trial in Massachusetts, U.S., extending over seven years, 1920–27, and resulting in the execution of the defendants, ...
    7. The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial - UMKC School of Law

      University of Missouri–Kansas City
      A site dedicated to the explication of the Sacco and Vanzetti trial.
    8. The Sacco-Vanzetti Case (overview)

      University of Pennsylvania
      Jul 18, 2007 - SACCO-VANZETTI CASE. Note: For a different view of the Sacco-Vanzetti case than is given here, see Richard Newby's essay made available ...
    9. Sacco & Vanzetti (1971) - IMDb

      Internet Movie Database
       Rating: 7.9/10 - ‎1,626 votes
      Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto. Many Wars Ago. L'armata Brancaleone. Banditi a Milano. Actas de Marusia. Sacco e Vanzetti. Mar 10 1977.

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