
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Randall Shepherd, Lindsay Souvannarath Canada Mall Shooting Plot

Randall Shepherd, Lindsay Souvannarath Canada Mall Shooting Plot ---
tags: neo-nazi, Asian Suspect, Laotian suspect, suspect suicide, right wing extremist white suspect, international, conspiracy, columbine inspired, Canada, Illinois, white supremacist, female suspect, mass shooting,plot, david duke (links to Islamists), christian suspect, Nova Scotia, mall attack, official determination of not terrorism, official not political, official not racial, no motive, goth

1 killed 2 arrested 1 suspect suicide February 1, 2015 Randall Shepherd, Lindsay Souvannarath Canada Mall Shooting Plot 3 arrested and 1 suicide as police shut down a plot a Columbine school inspired shooting attack at shopping mall in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. All were facebook friends, and they shared political leanings towards neo-nazis and white supremacists, including an American woman Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath with Laotian / Asian parents from Illinois. The woman looked up to white supremacist and Islamist supporter David Duke and said "whites are under attack". She posted a swastika on her facebook. wrote "disturbing"fiction about death. Gamble posted pictures and quotes of the Columbine High School shooting online, as well  macabre pictures of mass murderers, Hitler and Nazi troops. Despite obvious neo-Nazi and white-supremacist themes, police believed it was not culturally motivated and therefore not linked to terrorism.

Police: “The attack does not appear to have been culturally motivated, therefore not linked to terrorism." According to Randall Shepherd and James Gamble’s Facebook pages, the two both worked at Walmart. Walmart’s in Canada stock firearms.

 suicide of James Gamble. He apparently killed himself just after 1 a.m. on February 13 as police surrounded him in his parents’ home in Timberlea, Nova Scotia. The fourth suspect, the unnamed 17-year-old, was arrested at 11 a.m. on February 13 in Cole Harbor, Nova Scotia. He has been released but is still under investigation.

Randall Steven Shepherd, also known as Randy, faces a conspiracy to commit murder charge along with American Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath


  • CBC
  • Chicago Tribune: A Coe College professor describes a Geneva woman accused of plotting a mass murder as a talented writer whose work sometimes contained disturbing themes."She knew how to put together a sentence and she had a command of detail," Charles Aukema, an English professor, said of Lindsay Souvannarath. "Sometimes," he added, "it was pretty sick detail."
  • DailyMail
  • GatewayPundit
  • Heavy
  • Toronto Globe and Mail “Their friendship was not based on culture or ideology,”Added Halifax Regional Police Chief Jean-Michel Blais: “The important thing to realize is this is nothing to do with ethnic or political considerations.” (wrong, they are brought together by white nationalism and neo-nazism)


  • Politicalgates Apr 2, 2015 - Revealed: Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, 23, from Geneva, Illinois, who planned "Valentine's" mass murder in Halifax, Canada and was arrested last Friday "at ...

  • Geneva Woman Accused In Alleged Mass Murder Plot WBBM‑TVdLindsay Kantha Souvannarath faces charges of conspiracy to commit murder and arson ...

  • Prosecutors Say Geneva Woman Accused In Mall Plot‑TV 3 days ago - 23-year-old Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath made her first court appearance in Canada after being charged in an alleged mass murder plot. Video Categories.

  • Canada Halifax: Two charged over 'mass shooting plot' |

    5 days ago - Police said Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, 23, and Randall Steven Shepherd, 20, are due to appear in court on Tuesday.A third person has been released ...

  • The Demonization of Arabs, Muslims - Global Mar 18, 2015 - Although the police said that the conspirators — Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath and Randall Steven Shepherd — “had some beliefs and were willing to carry out ...A month after the arrest of Philips another incident occurred in Halifax. It was revealed on February 14, 2015 that an actual plot to create a mass casualty event in Halifax, Nova Scotia was thwarted. “Two people were arrested at Halifax Stanfield International Airport and have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder after an alleged plot was foiled to kill a large number of people at the Halifax Shopping Centre in the city’s west end on Valentine’s Day,” the CBC reported. Although the police said that the conspirators — Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath and Randall Steven Shepherd — “had some beliefs and were willing to carry out violent acts against citizens,” they were not referred to as terrorists by Harper.

    Justice Minister Peter MacKay — the man who auctioned off the Progressive Conservative Party for personal political gain and elevation by openly lying on guarantying that he would not allow a takeover of it by Harper’s Canadian Alliance — stressed that the thwarted Halifax attack was not a planned terrorist attack. The journalist Laura Kana rightly pointed out the following: “Police said there is no evidence that ideology or culture is part of the allegations. But if plotting to cause mass murder in a public place is not called terrorism, then what is?”

    What was not being told by MacKay or the mainstream media was that their “beliefs” were racist leanings and Nazi political views. Halifax Media Co-Op points this out in an article by Robert Devet:

    “That at least some of the plotters were into posting Nazi paraphernalia on their facebook pages, or espousing white supremacist ideas on message boards has been downplayed by local reporters.

    The Tumblr blog of James Gamble, the 19-year old found dead in Timberlea, features pictures of Adolph Hitler and marching Nazis. You go to the Tumblr blog of Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, the Illinois woman now in custody, and a swastika is the first thing you see. Meanwhile, thanks to the work of people who know their way around in the world of blogs, message boards and handles, there are strong suggestions that at least Souvannarath has a long-time infatuation with fascist and white supremacist ideas.  None of this has made it into Nova Scotia news outlets.

    One CBC reporter looked at Gamble’s Tumblr blog, and mentions the Nazi references in passing, almost as an afterthought.” If the individuals that had planned on committing the killing spree were Muslims, another narrative would have been in play, as it was in regards to Martin Couture-Rouleau and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau. Harper and MacKay would have labeled the conspirators terrorists and talked about the need for increased security “to keep Canadians safe” and sending the Canadian military overseas to fight their ideological base.

  • The demonization of Arabs, Muslims - Tony Seed's Weblog

    Mar 30, 2015 - Although the police said that the conspirators — Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath and Randall Steven Shepherd — “had some beliefs and were willing to carry out ...

  • Chicago Tribune : He praised her writing, save for her "fantasy stuff," which he described as "disturbing." In one piece, Souvannarath writes about a young boy obsessed with death and describes the child seeking out dying people in order to converse with Death himself. Aukema said the piece could have been ironic or satirical but noted that Souvannarath was "getting into, essentially, forbidden territory and just going too far." "It's like a method actor trying to get into the mindset of a killer and then becomes a serial killer," he said.  Aukema said Souvannarath didn't talk in class or critique other students' writing. "I thought she was quite an introvert," he said. "It just seemed like she had no friends whatsoever."


    Her parents were both natives of Laos in southeast Asia. Lindsay is a native of Geneva in Illinois, located in Kane County. The Kane County Chronicle reports that Lindsay was a normal student at high school there. She went on to study creative writing at Coe College. A neighbor of Lindsay’s, Kathy Schooley, told the Chicago Sun Times that Lindsay was “normal” and would sometimes change her look, often dressing as a goth. Geneva police commander Eric Passarelli told the Daily Herald in Illinois that “We’ve had not contact with the suspect. She’s completely unknown.” Passarelli went on to say that the girl’s family are being extremely co-operative with cops and that police have searched the home and seized several items that they will hand over to Canadian authorities.

     the family attended the local Seventh Day Adventist Church."This is really shocking. ... The parents are good people. They attend church. It's a nice family. I'm not sure what they even know of this so far," Greenwood told the newspaper.

    1. A third suspect, 19-year-old James Gamble, killed himself as police ... of the Columbine High School shooting online, as well as Nazi imagery.
    2. More news for "james gamble" nazi

    3. Accused in mass murder plot shared dark online interests ... › News › Metro

      The Chronicle Herald
      2 days ago - ... 23, are also Facebook friends with James Gamble, who was found dead ... It also features macabre pictures of mass murderers, Nazi troops ...
    4. James Gamble identified as dead teen linked to ... - CBC
      2 days ago - James Gamble, 19, was found dead last week in his parents home in Timberlea, N.S. ... It also has several references to Adolf Hitler and Nazis.
    5. Dead teen linked Halifax Valentine's Day mass murder plot ...

      Toronto Sun
      3 days ago - James Gamble, pictured, was found dead by police in a Timberlea, N.S., ... Gamble's Tumblr blog contains a photo of him holding a rifle, Nazi ...
    6. Lindsay Souvannarath-Mudshark's Laos Mix+James ...

      2 days ago - +James Gamble's Nazi Tumblr Page Actual Link #PleaseDontKillMeTumblrPeople “My granddaughters ...

    7. Description

      Screen Shot 2015 02 15 at 1 46 22 AM
      CBC,CTV,CSIS 卐 Mum-Afraid Oligarch jews View Might Gain Traction w/Beaten Down Whitey!
      Terrifying: A user that appears to be Souvannarath posted numerous messages to forums, including this one commending former Ku Klux Klan leader and neo-Nazi David Duke
      Perhaps one of Lindsay's most exquisitely thought-provoking sayings which she posted online: "Do you deny whites are under attack? Do you think this attack isn't organized? Isn't directed? Isn't premeditated? Isn't institution-backed?"
      Lindsay graduated just last year from Coe college in Iowa with a double major in English and Creative Writing. (Video about it here: )  A lot of  her material comes off as near gibberish-like as Bob Dylan's "Tarantula", though there are gems too when she is at her best.  I know some local journalists in Iowa, Chicago and Canada are interested in these quips of hers, her best stylistic format. (Two of them emailed me and the Canadian somehow got my cell phone number! and called. I think she thought Lindsay's stuff was probably too racy and "hateful"--her word-- to get through her editors.)  I was lucky to have found, and copied and pasted some of these almost Haiku-like statements from two literary blogs within hours of her name being announced.  The blogs have since been deleted by their corp. owners. 
       lindsay souvannarath podblanc Foto Flexer Photo
      LINDSAY SAID (mocking MSM liars): "Our accusations are to be treated as gospel by properly trained and enculturated goyim."


      Toronto Globe & Mail sez:

      “Their friendship was not based on culture or ideology,” he said.

      Added Halifax Regional Police Chief Jean-Michel Blais: “The important thing to realize is this is nothing to do with ethnic or political considerations.”

      Lindsay's twitter:
      Specific original research detailed links not currently collated on the net except here on Lindsay's Geneva, IL mother and her father near the bottom of this long thread.
       Terrifying: A user that appears to be Souvannarath posted numerous messages to forums, including this one commending former Ku Klux Klan leader and neo-Nazi David Duke
      Suicide James Gamble's Tumblr page. Don't miss this one--a genuine sound and light show and well worth the click to 'understand' the millennial mindset. 
      Lindsay acting as a "border guard" for the purebreds?

      The German Nazis, in their "Transfer Agreement" with Zionist Jews, made it practical for German Jews to settle in Palestine to establish Israel.  We can seriously criticize the German Nazis in their execution of the Transfer Agreement with Zionist Jews only if we ignore the depression, reparations payments and international Jewish boycott movement.  Jews needed more material support in making that migration to Palestine, no doubt.  Germany would have been better off if they’d mobilized for creation of infrastructure in Palestine and transport of Jews there, no doubt.  
      But to compare the German Nazis of the Transfer Agreement era as “inhuman” in the same sense that the supremacist US regime is inhuman  -- ignores that the nation of settlers,the very Posterity of the Founders named as the beneficiaries to the US Constition in its Preamble, has no escape from the social experiments being conducted on them, despite suffering a demographic collapse and race replacement during the last generation.

      We'll argue the history of the Holocaust after hundreds of movies have been made about the Soviet genocides against European nations that were of far greater magnitude.  Why have hundreds of Holocaust movies been made and not one movie been made about any of the Soviet genocides against European nations?  Is this the impartial behavior we should expect from those entrusted with the most powerful medium in our culture?  Doesn’t it strike you as just a tad suspicious that the Bible was written by the same people who have so abused their position of trust and authority in molding our present-day morality?

      Holocaustianity replaces Christianity, based on the Jewish Bible, with a new Jewish religion, based on hundreds of Holocaust movies out of Jewish Hollywood that has produced not one movie about Soviet genocides of Europeans such as occurred in the Ukraine the very year Hitler was rising to power in Germany.  Many young people who have abandoned Christianity now view Jews in the same light they once viewed Christ.  We believe this is an inevitable consequence of adopting Jewish myths whether Biblical or cinematic.

      The Tumblr blog of James Gamble, the 19-year old found dead in Timberlea, features pictures of Adolph Hitler and marching Nazis.

      You go to the Tumblr blog of Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, the Illinois woman now in custody, and a swastika is the first thing you see.

      Meanwhile, thanks to the work of people who know their way around in the world of blogs, message boards and handles, there are strong suggestions that at least Souvannarath has a long-time infatuation with fascist and white supremacist ideas.  None of this has made it into Nova Scotia news outlets.

      One CBC reporter looked at Gamble's Tumblr blog, and mentions the Nazi references in passing, almost as an afterthought.

      The same for a Chronicle Herald story, where a reference to Nazi images warrants one sentence.

      You have to wonder whether coverage would have changed in tone had the plotters been Muslims, and had the Tumblr images been of Osama Bin Laden, or ISIS militants?

      Would that have become headline material? Would MacKay still have referred to misfits? Would reporters have shrugged it off?

      Or would it have become a story about terrorism?
      Terrifying: A user that appears to be Souvannarath posted numerous messages to forums, including this one commending former Ku Klux Klan leader and neo-Nazi David Duke
      Screen Shot 2015 02 15 at 4 27 08 AM
    8. Columbine Obsessed Teens Plotted Valentine's Day ...

      19 hours ago - Souvannarath and her “Nazi” friends allegedly plotted a mass shooting at ... Another Columbine murder plot suspect,James Gamble, 19, killed .

    1. Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath and Randall Steven Shepherd will appear in court today on ...
    2. Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath 'plotted Halifax mall massacre with her Nazi friends'
      Daily Mail - 21 hours ago Clean-cut high school girl turned into murderous, Columbine-obsessed goth and 'plotted mall massacre with her Nazi friends'
      Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath of Geneva, Illinois, and Randall Shepherd, 20, of Nova Scotia, have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder
      They allegedly plotted to 'gun down as many people as possible' at a mall in Halifax, Canada on Saturday before taking their own lives  
      Another suspect, James Gamble, 19, killed himself as police moved to arrest him on Friday, and a fourth suspect, 17, has been released
      Souvannarath posted graphic images of the Columbine murders and Hitler to Facebook and Tumblr, and gave her support to white supremacists
      According to Facebook, her father is from Laos 
      In one message last week, she apparently hinted at their February 14 plan, writing: 'It's almost here. The clock is ticking'
    3. Souvannarath, whose father is from Laos, painted herself as a neo-Nazi and regularly shared photos of Hitler while lauding white separatists, such as former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

      REVEALED: Cadet, 16, suspected of executing his parents and...

      South African student who survived triple axe murder of his...

      Fury as Texas fireman responds to Houston Islamic center...
      'Free speech is dead,' she apparently wrote in one forum in 2007, when she would have been just 15. 'That's why we need people like David Duke to bring it to life again.'
      Her Tumblr account is entitled 'c**kswastika', according to the Chronicle Herald.
      On the page, she displays a large pink swastika and links to James Gamble's Tumblr page, which shows images of Hitler, dead bodies and murders, and videos of the Columbine shooters.
    4. Coe professor recalls Canada murder plot suspect as talented yet disturbing writer
      Chicago Tribune - 17 hours ago

    5. Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath 'plotted Halifax mall ...
      Daily Mail
      21 hours ago - Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, from Geneva, Illinois, posted about her admiration of Hitler, the Columbine killers and other murderers online ...
    6. Lindsay Souvannarath: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know ...

      18 hours ago - A 23-year-old Neo-Nazi from Illinois has been charged with plotting a mass shooting in Canada. Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath has been ...
    7. Canada murder - Chicago Tribune

      Chicago Tribune
      17 hours ago - CEDAR RAPIDS -- A Coe College professor described LindsaySouvannarath has a talented writer whose work sometimes contained ...
    8. Canada murder plot suspect was 'disturbing': ex-teacher ...
      Daily News
      15 hours ago - Lindsay Souvannarath, 23, showed off a disturbing, violent side before her arrest for plotting a Valentine's Day shooting spree in Canada.
    9. Revealed: Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, 23, from Geneva ...

      2 days ago - Revealed: Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, 23, from Geneva, Illinois, who tried to commit "Valentine's" mass murder in Halifax, Canada and was ...
    10. 'Columbiners': inside the social media world of foiled Halifax ... › World › Canada

      The Guardian
      12 hours ago - Randall Shepherd and James Gamble were friends who connected with Lindsay Souvannarath and others via social media. Yet even those ...
    11. Souvannarath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Prince Souvannarath (July 8, 1893 – June 23, 1960) was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Laos from 1947 – 1948. He was a son of Prince Bounkhong and ..

    12. Geneva woman among 'murderous misfits' in botched ...

      4 days ago - The arrest of Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath in the international conspiracy shocked her family's neighbors, who live on a quiet cul-de-sac in ...

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