
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Copenhagen Palestinian Terrorist Shooting Attacks

2015 Copenhagen Danish Palestinian Terrorist Shooting Attacks Speech Forum and Synagogue --- ===

tags: Mideast or Muslim Suspect, Palestinian terrorist, ISIS, anti-semitism, free-speech, Omar el-Hussein, Copenhagen, Denmark, murder spree, synagogue, police victim, media victim, suicide attack, shooting through windows

3 killed including suspect 5 injured February 14, 2015 - February 15, 2015  Copenhagen Danish Palestinian Terrorist Shooting Attacks Speech Forum and Synagogue , a shooting spree occurred in two locations in Copenhagen,Denmark. The first shooting took place on 14 February at a public afternoon event called "Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression" at the Krudttønden cultural centre, where a gunman killed one civilian and wounded three police officers. Swedish artist Lars Vilks was among the speakers and is thought to have been the main target due to his drawings of Muhammad.

2 killed 2 wounded February 15, 2015 2015 Copenhagen Danish Palestinian Terrorist Shooting Attacks Speech Forum and Synagogue  second shooting took place 15 February after attack on speech forum, outside the city's Great Synagogue in Krystalgade. A gunman killed a Jewish man on security duty during a bat mitzvah celebration, and wounded two police officers. Later that morning near Nørrebro station, police shot and killed a man, after he opened fire on them while he attempted to enter a location under police surveillance. The man was identified as Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, who police said was responsible for both attacks. El-Hussein was born in Denmark by parents from Palestine, and had recently indicated allegiance to ISIS and militant Islamism. The attacks were condemned by moderate muslims, but extremists did not condemn it and some left flowers for the attacker which were removed by other muslims wearing masks.


  • Conspirators: detention for two people accused of helping el-Hussein get rid of a weapon while evading authorities. Both men deny the charges.  Assisted: 4 were arrested for helping him with the crime / attack
  • Denmark born
  • Drunk Cover Story
  • Gang - reportedly kicked out of violent gang 
  • Hashish cover story - in stabbing claimed he was smoking hashish, ( hashish is more powerful than marijuana, containing 40 % THC compared to 10 % in marijuana) did not mean to kill the person
  • ISIS:  In a post on what appeared to be El-Hussein's Facebook page, Danish daily Metroxpress reported the son of Palestinian immigrants had pledged "allegiance" to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  • Lone gunman
  • Mass shooting attempted - sprayed automatic gunfire outside a building in first attack
  • Palestinian: parents from palestine, born in Denmark
  • Police record - wanted for stabbing, gang 
  • Radicalization - friends did not see any signs of radicalization
  • Stabbing - wanted for subway stabbing, not attributed to terrorism buy why does an Islamist stab a person for no particular reason? Claimed he was smoking hashish, ( hashish is more powerful than marijuana, containing 40 % THC compared to 10 % in marijuana) did not mean to kill the person
  • Tribute - muslims left flowers and tribute which was removed by other muslims wearing masks

Huffington Post November 2013, when he was wanted by police for gravely wounding a 19-year-old student in his left thigh and buttocks with a large knife.... didn't come across as religious...El-Hussein told the court he had smoked hashish and was feeling paranoid when he randomly attacked the student. Prosecutors charged El-Hussein with attempted homicide but a judge convicted him of aggravated assault, taking into account El-Hussein's claim that he never meant to kill the victim, said Larsen, who works for the Danish news site


2015 Copenhagen shootings

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2/18/2015
2015 Copenhagen shootings
2015 Copenhagen shootings is located in Copenhagen
Nørrebro station
Nørrebro station
Great Synagogue
Great Synagogue
2015 Copenhagen shootings (Copenhagen)
  • Serridslevvej 2, 2100 København Ø
  • Krystalgade 12, 1172 København K
  • Svanevej, 2400 København NV
Date14 February 2015; 4 days ago(UTC+1)
Attack type
Mass shootingspree shootingterrorism
WeaponsM/95,[1][2] a 9 mm pistol, a 7.65 mm pistol[3]
3 total:
Non-fatal injuries
5 total:
  • 3 (Krudttønden)
  • 2 (Great Synagogue)
Suspected perpetrators
Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein(killed)
On 14–15 February 2015, a shooting spree occurred in two locations in Copenhagen,Denmark. Two victims and the suspected perpetrator were killed, and five police officers were wounded.
The first shooting took place on 14 February at a public afternoon event called "Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression" at the Krudttønden cultural centre, where a gunman killed one civilian and wounded three police officers. Swedish artist Lars Vilks was among the speakers and is thought to have been the main target due to his drawings of Muhammad.
The second shooting took place the following morning, 15 February, outside the city's Great Synagogue in Krystalgade. A gunman killed a Jewish man on security duty during a bat mitzvah celebration, and wounded two police officers.
Later that morning near Nørrebro station, police shot and killed a man, after he opened fire on them while he attempted to enter a location under police surveillance. The man was identified as Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, who police said was responsible for both attacks.

Krudttønden attack[edit]

Press behind police cordon in front of Krudttønden on 14 February
Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks had been marked for death by Islamic extremists for many years in the wake of the controversy over his drawings of Muhammad.[4][5] On 14 February 2015 at 15:00 CETan event titled "Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression" (DanishKunst, blasfemi og ytringsfrihed) took place at the Krudttønden cultural centre at Østerfælled Torv in the Østerbrodistrict of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.[6] The debate was scheduled to include talks on the attack that January against the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.[7]
After failing to make his way into the premises while avoiding the main entrance, at 15:33 a gunman encountered a 55-year-old man whom he shot and killed with a single round from an M/95from the Danish armed forces. The shooter fired an additional 27 rounds from the same weapon through the window of the cultural center, wounding three police officers.[1][3][5][8][9][10] Two of the injured officers were bodyguards belonging to the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. Together with the three Danish police officers two Swedish officers detailed to protect Lars Vilks returned the fire, and the attacker fled.[11][12][13] At least 30 bullet holes were visible in the window of the centre, a popular location known for jazz concerts.[14] French Ambassador to Denmark François Zimeray, who attended the event, stated, "Intuitively I would say there were at least 50 gunshots, and the police here are saying 200."[15][16]
Other participants included FEMEN activist Inna Shevchenko, who was addressing the audience when the shooting took place,[15][17] editor at Dagbladet Information Niels Ivar Larsen, who spoke at the meeting and later wrote a detailed account of the shooting,[17][18][19] and organizer Helle Merete Brix, the latter describing the attack as targeted at Vilks.[20]
After the attack, the suspect hijacked and fled in a dark-coloured Volkswagen Polo. Police warned eyewitnesses to contact them directly, without approaching the vehicle.[21] The car was later found abandoned a few kilometres away.[22]
The Swedish Police officers had the impression that they hit the attacker and speculate that he may have worn a bulletproof vest.[12]

Great Synagogue attack[edit]

Købmagergade cordoned off by the police 200 m east of the Great Synagogue three hours after the shooting there
At 00:50 on 15 February 2015, a shooting took place at the Great Synagogue on Krystalgade in central Copenhagen.[23] A bat mizvah ceremony attended by 80 people was taking place there.
A gunman fired two 7.65 mm rounds and seven 9 mm rounds, hitting Dan Uzan, a 37-year-old Jewish community member who was on security duty, who later died due to the wound to his head.[3][24] The gunman also shot and wounded two officers of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service in the arms and legs.[24][25][26][27]
The gunman escaped without managing to enter the building.[5] Police evacuated nearby Nørreport Station, the country's busiest rail hub, and did not allow any trains to stop there.[28]

Police killing of suspect[edit]

Security forces tracked the shooter via CCTV coverage.[5] The man approached an apartment building the police had under surveillance in the early morning of 15 February, which the shooter had visited between the two attacks.[5] When they called out to him, he began firing at them.[29][30]
In a exchange of gunfire in which the shooter fired one 7.65 mm round and two 9 mm rounds, the police shot and killed him at around 04:50 at the corner of Svanevej and Frederikssundsvej, one block west of Nørrebro station in an ethnically diverse neighbourhood of north Copenhagen.[3][31][5] The chief police inspector said: "The culprit that was shot by the police task force is the person behind both of these assassinations."[5]
According to the legal council of the two police officers who shot the shooter, they fired at least upwards of 30 shots before he collapsed, causing the lawyer to believe the shooter was carrying a bulletproof vest.[32]

Background of suspect[edit]

born in Denmark to Palestinian immigrants... well known to Danish intelligence.[5][38]
 wanted [probable untraceable terrorist attack]unmotivated knife stabbing. ..however, released on 30 January 2015.[39]   he "swore fidelity to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a posting made on what's apparently his Facebook page just before the weekend shooting spree."[41]

Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein (11 September 1992 – 15 February 2015), a 22-year-old man, was identified as the suspected shooter. He was born in Vordingborg, Denmark, toJordanian-Palestinian parents, and grew up in Copenhagen and in Jordan.[36][37][38] Danish police previously stated that the subject was 22 years old and well-known to Danish intelligence.[5][39]
El-Hussein spent most of his childhood in Mjølnerparken and in Nørrebro. When he was in primary school, his parents divorced and he lived with his mother. When he was twelve, his mother sent him to Jordan where he spent three years. At that time he had some problems in school. He for a time attended a Higher Preparatory Examination at a Danish Voksenuddannelsescenter (VUC) in Hvidovre. He became a member of the Brothas gang in Mjølnerparken, and was sentenced thrice for violence, illegal weapon, and hashish possession before 2013.[40]
In November 2013, the police wanted El-Hussein for an unmotivated knife stabbing. He was arrested in January 2014, and remanded in custody. The prison made a concern report about him to the Danish Security and Intelligence Service in September 2014, as they found that he had changed behaviour and become "extremely religious".[41] In December 2014, he was sentenced to two years in prison. He was, however, released on 30 January 2015.[40]

CNN reported that he "swore fidelity to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a posting made on what's apparently his Facebook page just before the weekend shooting spree."[42]


In memory of Dan Uzan. The plaque in Great Synagogue of Copenhagen commemorating terrorist attacks on 15th February, 2015.
Film director Finn Nørgaard, aged 55, was killed with a single shot from an M/95 in the Krudttønden attack.[3][13] Nørgaard directed and produced documentaries for Danish television.[43]
Dan Uzan, a 37-year-old volunteer security guard, was killed in the Great Synagogue attack. At the time, a bat mitzvah ceremony was taking place in the synagogue, with about 80 people in attendance.[44][45][46][47] Uzan, the son of a Danish mother and Israeli father, was Jewish, and his family are active members of the Copenhagen Jewish community.[48][49] Uzan was buried at Copenhagen's Jewish Western Cemetery on 18 February 2015, with Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt among those attending. Policesnipers guarded the funeral.[50]
A total of five police officers were wounded in the attacks, but none of their injuries were life-threatening and all had been discharged from hospital within three days of the Great Synagogue attack.[51]


Danish police stated that they investigated the case as an act of terror, and possibly an assassination attempt on Vilks, though they did not know the motive of the perpetrator.[48][49]
On 16 February 2015 the police reported that one of the injured officers had received a shot to the chest but his bulletproof vest prevented it from injuring him.[50]
Later the same day, the police reported that at Krudttønden the attacker used a variant of the Colt Canada C7 rifle issued as M/95 to the armed forces in Denmark, while he used a pistol at the synagogue. The police further reported that two men aged 19 and 22 have been charged with helping the attacker dispose of the assault rifle. At the same time media are reporting that 44 M/95's were lost by the Royal Danish Army to armed robbers in 2009.[1][2][51]
On 17 February police confirmed the shooter's identity, that the two pistols fired during the synagogue attack where recovered from the shooter at Svanevej, and that the M/95 recovered near Mjølnerparken was used during the attack at Krudttønden.[52][3]


Flowers in front of theGreat Synagogue on 15 February, after Dan Uzan was killed


Queen Margrethe II of Denmark commented through Ritzau: "It is with sadness that I learn the extent of the past days' events. My thoughts are with the slain filmmaker and the young guard from the Jewish community, who became the target of the perpetrator's actions," said the Queen in a written comment. "It is important that we in such a serious situation stand together and cherish the values that Denmark is based on."[53] Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt condemned the "cynical act of terror" and stated, "We don't know the motive for the attacks but we know that there are forces that want to harm Denmark, that want to crush our freedom of expression, our belief in liberty. We are not facing a fight between Islam and the West, it is not a fight between Muslims and non-Muslims."[54][55]
The synagogue's Rabbi Jair Melchior stated, "Terror is not a reason to move to Israel ... Hopefully the [police] should do what they do, but our lives have to continue naturally. Terror's goal is to change our lives and we won't let it ... We lost a dear member of the community and now we have to continue doing what he did, which was helping to continue regular Jewish lives in Denmark. This is the real answer to [this] vicious, cruel and cowardly act of terror."[56] The Danish Islamic Council condemned the attack, saying: "the Danish Islamic Council invites everyone in Danish society to unite in the fight against extremism and terrorism."[57][58]


The attacks were condemned by foreign leaders, including Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott,[59] French President François Hollande,[28][60] Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte,[61] Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg,[62] Romanian President Klaus Iohannis,[63]and British Prime Minister David Cameron.[64]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated "We send our condolences to the Danish people, and also to the Jewish community in Denmark. Once again Jews are murdered on the soil of Europe just for being Jews. This wave of terror attacks is expected to continue, including these murderous anti-Semitic attacks. Obviously Jews deserve protection in every country, but ... Israel is the home of every Jew ... Israel awaits you with open arms."[65]

International organizations[edit]

The European Commission released a statement condemning the attack: "The European Commission and the High Representativedeplore the attacks in Copenhagen costing the life of at least two citizens and injuring several others. Even one life is one too many. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families. Europe stands united with Denmark in upholding freedom of speech and freedom of expression. We stand against anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination. Europe will not be intimidated."[66] European Council PresidentDonald Tusk called Saturday's attack "another brutal terrorist attack targeted at our fundamental values and freedoms, including the freedom of expression."[67]
Jodie Ginsberg, CEO of Index on Censorship, said, "The ability to express ourselves freely, to attend meetings and debates without fear of violence, is fundamental to a free society. Free speech must be protected."[68]
The Norwegian Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, running Scandinavia's largest mosque,[69] condemned the attacks. Haroon Chaudhry, a spokesman of the mosque, spoke of the importance of mosques to publicly denounce acts of terrorism and extremism. Claiming that these acts of terror were in contradiction to Quranic teachings, he said, "The Quran states explicitly that blasphemy is not punishable."[70]
In a press release, the Scandinavian branch of Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir did not condemn the attacks but said Danish politicians, among others, were to blame: "Danish politicians and opinion-formers hold no moral authority to designate neither Muslims nor Islam as violent, when you consider how much blood they have on their hands. ... We, as a Muslim community should under no circumstances succumb to pressure and accept the premise that Islam is on trial."[71]Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy


  1. Jump up to:a b c Richardt, Mette (16 February 2015). "Gerningsmanden skød med gevær som bruges i forsvaret" [Perpetrator shot with rifle used by the Defence Forces] (in Danish). Danmarks Radio. Retrieved16 February 2015.
  2. Jump up to:a b "Politi: Forsvarets automat-riffel brugt ved terror-angreb" [Police: Assault-rifle of the Defence Forces used in terrorist attack].Ekstrabladet (in Danish). 16 February 2015. Retrieved 16 February2015.
  3. Jump up to:a b c d e f "Seneste nyt om skudattentaterne i København" [Latest news regarding the shooting attacks in Copenhagen] (Press release) (in Danish). Police of Denmark. 17 February 2015. Retrieved17 February 2015 – via
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  5. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h "Danish attacks echo France"Washington Post.
  6. Jump up^ "Krudttønden"
  7. Jump up^ "Debatmøde om Charlie Hebdo"Østerbro Avis.
  8. Jump up^ Chris Johnston (14 February 2015). "One dead and three injured in Copenhagen 'terrorist attack'"The Guardian. Retrieved15 February 2015.
  9. Jump up to:a b Andersen, Peter Krogh (15 February 2015). "Filminstruktør var lørdagens første offer i København" [Film director was Saturday's first victim in Copenhagen] (in Danish). Danmarks Radio. Retrieved15 February 2015.
  10. Jump up^ Sabina Zawadzki and Ole Mikkelsen (14 February 2015). "Man dies in shooting at Danish meeting with artist who drew Mohammad".Reuters.
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  12. Jump up to:a b "Svensk polis sköt mot terroristen" [Swedish Police shot at the terrorist]Sydsvenskan (in Swedish). 18 February 2015. Retrieved18 February 2015.
  13. Jump up^ "One dead, three police hurt in shooting at Copenhagen Islam debate"Channel News Asia.
  14. Jump up^ "New shooting in Copenhagen after attack on freedom event at cafe"MSNBC. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  15. Jump up to:a b "Danemark: une fusillade éclate à Copenhague à l'extérieur d'un bâtiment où se tenait un débat sur l'islamisme et la liberté d'expression"Le Huffington Post (in French).
  16. Jump up^ Billing, Sören (15 February 2015). "Two dead, five injured in Copenhagen shootings"Yahoo! News. Retrieved 15 February2015.
  17. Jump up to:a b Larsen, Niels Ivar (15 February 2015). "'How long will this nightmare last?': first-hand account of Copenhagen gun attack".The Guardian. Retrieved 16 February 2015.
  18. Jump up^ Ruud, Hans-Martin Thomt (14 February 2015). "Halvtime etter attentatforsøket twitret den franske ambassadøren: – Fortsatt i live"Dagbladet Nyheter. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  19. Jump up^ "Twin attacks in Copenhagen leave one dead, six injured"The Telegraph. 14 February 2014. Retrieved 15 February 2014.
  20. Jump up^ Associated Press (14 February 2015). "Shootout at Copenhagen cafe free speech event". Washington Post.
  21. Jump up^ "Shots Fired at Copenhagen Cafe Free Speech Event Hosted by Lars Vilks". NBC News. 14 February 2015.
  22. Jump up^ Stender Pedersen, Mette (14 February 2015). "Flugtbil efter attentatforsøg er fundet" [Getaway car after assassination attempt found] (in Danish). Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  23. Jump up^ Søren Kjellberg Ishøy (15 February 2015). "Mosaisk Trossamfund: 37-årige Dan blev dræbt i terrorangreb" (in Danish). Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  24. Jump up to:a b "Copenhagen hit by second deadly shooting". BBC News. 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  25. Jump up^ "Shots fired at Copenhagen synagogue: Danish police". Reuters. 14 February 2015.
  26. Jump up^ "Denmark on edge as 2nd shooting within hours rocks capital".Associated Press. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  27. Jump up^ "Shots fired at Copenhagen synagogue: Danish police"Yahoo! News. 14 February 2015. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  28. Jump up to:a b "Copenhagen shootings: Police kill man close to scene of deadly synagogue and cafe attacks"ABC Online. 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  29. Jump up^ "Mand ramt af politiskud ved Nørrebro Station er død" [Man hit by police shots at Nørrebro Station dies] (in Danish). Danmarks Radio. 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  30. Jump up^ "Copenhagen shootings: Police kill 'gunman' after two attacks".BBC News. 15 February 2015.
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  33. Jump up^ Green, Chris; Orange, Richard (15 February 2015). "Copenhagen shootings: Suspected gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein was a Danish national with a history of gang violence". Retrieved16 February 2015.
  34. Jump up to:a b "Copenhagen shooting during debate on Islam – Telegraph" 15 February 2015.
  35. Jump up^ "Copenhagen Shooting Suspect Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein Had Criminal Record, Police Say"The Huffington Post UK.
  36. Jump up^ "Suspected gunman born and raised in Denmark"
  37. Jump up^ "Omar El-Hussein: Copenhagen criminal to prison radical"BBC News. 16 February 2015. Retrieved 16 February 2015.
  38. Jump up^ "Police say Copenhagen attacks suspect killed"
  39. Jump up to:a b Mette Richardt and Michael Lund (17 February 2015)Skoleleder: Vi forsøgte at tale Omar og hans mor til fornuft(Danish) Danmarks Radio
  40. Jump up^ Cathrine Bloch (17 February 2015 PET: Ingen grund til at tro, at 22-årig planlagde terrorangreb (Danish) Berlingske Tidende
  41. Jump up^ Ralph Ellis, Holly Yan and Susanne Gargiulo, CNN (16 February 2015). "Denmark terror suspect swore fidelity to ISIS leader on Facebook page"CNN.
  42. Jump up^ "Jewish guard dead, two police wounded in shooting at Copenhagen synagogue"ynet.
  43. Jump up^ "Victim near the synagogue in Copenhagen: Dan Uzan, whose father was an Israeli"Ynet news (in Hebrew). 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  44. Jump up^ "Denmark Chief Rabbi Mourns Loss Of 'Irreplaceable' Jewish Guard Following Attack"The Huffington Post.
  45. Jump up^ "En dræbt i skyderi ved Københavns synagoge" [One killed in Copenhagen Synagogue shooting]Jyllands-Posten (in Danish). 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  46. Jump up^ "Danish Jewish Community Grapples With Attack Aftermath"
  47. Jump up^ Caroline Davies. "Copenhagen attacks – the victims"the Guardian.
  48. Jump up^ Maach, Maja Lærke (14 February 2015). "Politiet: Vi efterforsker skud på Østerbro som terror" [Police: We investigate shots on Østerbro as terror] (in Danish). Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  49. Jump up^ Sam Schechner (14 February 2015). "One Dead in Copenhagen Shooting That May Have Targeted Cartoonist"WSJ. Retrieved14 February 2015.
  50. Jump up^ "Betjent reddet af skudsikker vest" [Police officer saved by bulletproof vest]Ekstrabladet (in Danish). 16 February 2015. Retrieved 16 February 2015.
  51. Jump up^ "Men charged over Copenhagen attacks"BBC News. 16 February 2015. Retrieved 16 February 2015.
  52. Jump up^ "Gerningsmand skød i alt 40 gange ved terrorangreb" [Perpetrator shot 40 times in total during terrorist attack]Politiken (in Danish). 17 February 2015. Retrieved 17 February 2015.
  53. Jump up^ "Dronningen sender sine tanker til ofrene for terror" [The Queen sends her thoughts to the victims of terror] (in Danish). TV 2/Østjylland. 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  54. Jump up^ "Report: Suspected gunman behind Copenhagen attacks only just released from jail"Haaretz. 15 February 2015. Retrieved16 February 2015.
  55. Jump up^ "Copenhagen shootings likely "inspired" by Paris attacks"dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 15 February 2015. Retrieved 16 February2015.
  56. Jump up^ Nadia Khomami (16 February 2015). "European Jewish Association calls for increased protection of institutions"The Guardian.
  57. Jump up^ "Dansk Islamisk Råd: Håber gerningsmand fanges snart" [Danish Islamic Council: Hope the perpetrator will be caught soon] (in Danish). Danmarks Radio. 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February2015.
  58. Jump up^ "Dansk Islamisk Råd: Håber gerningsmand fanges snart" [Danish Islamic Council: Hope the perpetrator will be caught soon] (in Danish). 15 February 2015. Retrieved15 February 2015.
  59. Jump up^ Sheridan, Greg (15 February 2015). "Tony Abbott signals crackdown on borders amid terror threat"The Australian. Australian Associated Press. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
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  61. Jump up^ Redactie. "Rutte: Laffe aanslagen op vrije mening in Kopenhagen" [Rutte: Cowardly attacks on freedom of opinion in Copenhagen].AD.
  62. Jump up^ "Solberg: – Et avskyelig voldsangrep" [Solberg: – an abominable attack of violence]Dagen (in Norwegian). 14 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  63. Jump up^ "Ref.: Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, condamnă cu fermitate atacurile teroriste de la Copenhaga" (in Romanian). 15 February 2015. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  64. Jump up^ "I condemn the shootings in #Copenhagen. #Freespeech must always be protected. My thoughts are with the Danish people.". 14 February 2015.
  65. Jump up^ "After Copenhagen attack, PM urges that Jews move to Israel".The Times of Israel. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  66. Jump up^ "Statement by the European Commission following today's shooting in Copenhagen.". 14 February 2015.
  67. Jump up^ "Danish police say kill suspect in Copenhagen attacks"Reuters. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  68. Jump up^ "Index on Censorship statement on blasphemy debate attack in Copenhagen". Index on Censorship. 14 February 2015.
  69. Jump up^ "Scandinavia’s largest mosque opened by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community" Retrieved 18 February 2015.
  70. Jump up^ "Koranen slår utvetydig fast at blasfemi ikke skal straffes". Retrieved 17 February 2015.
  71. Jump up^ "Hizb ut-Tahrir: Tag ikke afstand"



The Jewish Press » » Copenhagen Terrorist Fooled Police byActing Drunk...  The Muslim terrorist who killed Jewish guard Dan Uzan outside a Copenhagen synagoguelate Saturday night was able to approach and kill him by acting drunk ...

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February 3, 2016  Danes charge 4 who cannot be named with helping gunman behind Copenhagen  The Daily Star  Danish prosecutors have charged four men with helping a lone gunman who last year ... Danes charge 4 with helping gunman behind Copenhagen attacks. Danish prosecutors have charged four men with helping a lone gunman who last year killed two people in attacks in Copenhagen.  Justice Minister Soeren Pind says the men were charged with assisting Omar El-Hussein with the killing of a Jewish security guard outside Copenhagen's main synagogue on Feb. 15 with a handgun. El-Hussein also killed a Danish filmmaker attending a free speech event Feb. 14, but the four were not charged with assisting that crime.

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Footage shows Copenhagen gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El › ... › Europe › Denmark
Daily Telegraph
2 days ago - Video from February 2013 shows gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Husseinlosing to Danish opponent in kickboxing match.

Copenhagen shooting suspect Omar el-Hussein – a past full ... › World › Copenhagen shootings
The Guardian
Police handout of Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein, widely named as the gunman in the Copenhagen shooting. Photograph: AP. Angelique ...

Bio of Copenhagen Gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein ... › International
ABC News
FILE - This is an undated police handout images of Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein . The slain gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein ...

Copenhagen shootings: Suspected gunman Omar Abdel ... › News › World › Europe
The Independent
 Copenhagen shootings: Suspected gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein was a Danish national with a history of gang violence ...

Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein swore allegiance to ISIS on ...
Daily Mail
 Abo Saddam (pictured) said that Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, was not the same person when he left jail just two weeks before he shot two ...

Copenhagen gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein just ...
CBS News
Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, 22, a Danish national, had been in pre-trial detention for a long time where he may have become radicalized, ...

Media Identifies Copenhagen Gunman as 22-Year-Old ...
Danish media report that this guy, Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein (22), is the suspect of #cphshooting killed earlier.

Copenhagen gunman enamored with Islamic State
Video Keywords Iran Iraq Omar Abdel Palestinian immigrants shooting ...00:08 as the home of Omar Abdel Hamid Al Hussein the man The 22-year-old Danish-born gunman who killed two and wounded five in Copenhagen over the weekend had apparently come to admire the Islamic extremist movement after being radicalized in prison. There is no firm evidence that the gunman, identified by Danish media outlets as Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, was acting at the behest of the Islamic State, but he appears to have been enamored with the militant group. In a post on what appeared to be El-Hussein's Facebook page, Danish daily Metroxpress reported the son of Palestinian immigrants had pledged "allegiance" to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In a screen grab before the page was taken offline Monday, the gunman — using the Facebook profile name Abu Ramadan Almuhajir — swore to obey the militant leader in "adversity and prosperity."

A floral tribute in Copenhagen to the 'good-guy' gunman: 'He stabbed a guy, OK, but it was only in the leg'
National Post‎ - 1 day ago... those who regard Omar el-Hussein as a “good guy” created another shrine. ... “ When we fight, we stab, but always in the leg, not to kill.

Danish agents were warned about gunman Omar El-Hussein
BBC News‎ - 15 hours ago

BBC News - Omar El-Hussein: Copenhagen criminal to ...
- Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein has been widely named as the gunman ...2013 when El-Hussein stabbed a 19-year-old man on a subway train.

Danish agents were warned about gunman Omar El-Hussein
British Broadcasting Corporation
22, was at risk of being radicalised while serving time for a stabbing.... Omar El-Hussein was released from prison two weeks before the ...

Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Copenhagen Attack ...
The Huffington Post
2 days ago - Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, Copenhagen Attack Suspect, ... where he may have been radicalized while serving time for a vicious stabbing.

Copenhagen Shooting Update: Omar El-Hussein Identified ...
International Business Times
3 days ago - Police in Denmark have not yet confirmed the identity of the man killed in a shootout Sunday morning, but Omar El-Hussein, 22, fits a ...

Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein swore allegiance to ISIS on ...
Daily Mail
1 day ago - Abo Saddam (pictured) said that Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, was not the ... released two weeks ago after being jailed for a violent stabbing.

Omar El-Hussein, Copenhagen Terrorist, Freed from Jail 2 ...
FrontPage Magazine
3 days ago - Hussein had been in prison for stabbing a passenger on a train. ... Omar El-Hussein, full name Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, the ...

Copenhagen police say dead shootings suspect was -
3 days ago - Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, 22 years old, named as shooter by ... El-Hussein was already known to police after he stabbed a man several ...

Copenhagen gunman Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein just ...
CBS News
2 days ago - Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, 22, a Danish national, had been in of El-Hussein because he was wanted for a stabbing on a subway ...

Denmark terror suspect swore fidelity to ISIS leader on Facebook page
CNN‎ - 2 days agoCopenhagen, Denmark (CNN) The man suspected of killing two people in Copenhagen ...

Defiant Danes march after gunman attacks Copenhagen
Reuters‎ - 2 days ago
Thousands rally in Copenhagen
Deutsche Welle‎ - 1 day ago


On 14–15 February 2015, a shooting spree occurred in two locations in Copenhagen, Denmark. Two victims and the suspected perpetrator were killed, and five ...

Copenhagen attacks: Police kill man during shootout - CNN ...


3 days ago - Copenhagen was on high alert Sunday as police searched for at least one gunman after two shootings in the Danish capital left 2 dead. ... Greg Botelho and Steve Almasy, CNN. Updated 1:25 AM ET, Sun February 15, 2015 ...

Denmark attacks: 'We have tasted the ugly taste of fear ...


Middle East. A Ukrainian volunteer fighter fires a machine gun at pro-Russian rebels near the village .... Yan, CNN. Updated 7:40 PM ET, Sun February 15, 2015 ...

Police say Copenhagen gunman had criminal record, gang ...

U.S. News & World Report

3 days ago - In this photo dated Saturday Feb. 14, 2015, issued by Copenhagen Police believed to show the suspected gunman in a shooting at a freedom ...

Danish police kill 22-year-old suspected of Copenhagen ...


COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Police shot dead a 22-year-old Danish-born gunman on Sunday after he killed two ... COPENHAGEN Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:14pm EST ...

Gunman Believed to Be Behind 2 Copenhagen Attacks Is ...

The New York Times

3 days ago - Gun Attacks Leave Copenhagen on Edge .... A version of this article appears in print on February 15, 2015, on page A1 of the New York edition ...

2 Deadly Shootings Within Hours in Copenhagen; 5 Wounded

The New York Times

3 days ago - 14, 2015, 11:09 P.M. E.S.T.. Inside ... COPENHAGEN — A shooting at a free speech event featuring an artist who had caricatured the Prophet ...

Copenhagen shootings suspect was 'known to police' - The ... › World › Copenhagen shootings

The Guardian

4 days ago - Suspect shot dead in Denmark's capital after one person was gunned ... Sunday 15 February 2015 11.08 EST Last modified on Sunday 15 ...

Muslims leave flowers for a terrorist -

masked muslims remove it

This twisted tribute to Copenhagen shooting ... - Twitchy

This twisted tribute to Copenhagen shooting suspect will make you sick [photo]. Posted at 2:24 pm on February 16, 2015 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments.

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