
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Teaching student Tuğçe Albayrak from Turkish family killed by Serbian after defending teens at Germany McDonalds

Teaching student Tuğçe Albayrak from Turkish family killed by Serbian after defending teens at Germany McDonalds ---
tags: muslim victim (Turkish), mideast muslim suspect (Serbian), no speculation of terrorist motive, student victim, international news, restaurant attack, parking lot attack, restroom attack, good samaritan incident

1 killed 1 arrested November 15, 2014  Teaching student Tuğçe Albayrak who came from a Turkish immigrant family was beaten and killed on CCTV after defending two teenage girls in Germany .The 23-year-old was struck across the head with a stone or bat after helping the two girls who were being harassed by a group of men at McDonalds  Tugce was attacked in the parking lot of  McDonald’s in Offenbach, near Frankfurt. She was lured in when she heard screams of two teenagers trapped in the corner of the women's room by a man who had been threatening them. “Tugce told him he had no right to be in the ladies room and he should please leave,” says victim's aunt. Two men of Afghan origin removed the man, who gestured at Tugce, as if to say ‘I’ll get you’ The man returned to lunge at Tugce, rendering her bleeding and out cold on the ground, who within a split second was lying motionless on the ground. A licence photo led to arrest of an 18-year-old identified only as Sanel M from the Sandzak region of south-west Serbia who confessed to the attack. Thousands are expected to attend funeral. Victims father has asked two girls who she helped to come forward as witnesses.

Alternative theory: could this have been a setup to target Turkish immigrant, or conflict between muslim factions? Were the girls who were threatened part of the operation?

*Related stories

Serbia charges 5 men for organizing transfer of Islamic Fighters to Syria Fox News Channel Oct 7, 2014 - The prosecutor's statement says they organized the transfer of fighters through a Muslim-dominated region in southwest Serbia to Turkey and ...Authorities have said that about 30 people from Serbia so far have joined the Islamic militants.

  • *Sources

    1. Tugce Albayrak died on Friday after she was hit on the head and left in a coma outside a ...
    2. Funeral for Tugce Albayrak
      Reuters - 3 hours ago
    3. Tugce Albayrak's Death Rattles Germany
      New York Times - 8 hours ago

    4. German video shows fatal blow to student Tugce Albayrak

      British Broadcasting Corporation
      2 days ago - Tugce Albayrak's death on Friday left Germany in shock. There were candle-lit vigils in Berlin and other cities. The girls whom she defended ...
    5. Tugce Albayrak killing: 9 cases where Good Samaritans ...
      18 hours ago - When is it safe to step in to stop a violent act or perceived injustice? Here's a look at the Tugce Albayrak killing in Germany, as well as other ...
    6. Tugce Albayrak's Death Rattles Germany -
      The New York Times
      8 hours ago - In a chilling surveillance video posted online by the Bild Zeitung newspaper, the student, Tugce Albayrak, who had intervened to help the girls, ...
    7. Video: Attack on German 'hero student' Tugce Albayrak ... › ... › Europe › Germany
      The Daily Telegraph
      2 days ago - Surveillance footage, which some viewers may find distressing, shows the attack on Tugce Albayrak, who died after she defended two teenage ...
    8. Tuğçe Albayrak death: Killers caught on CCTV beating ...

      Daily Mirror
      1 day ago - Tuğçe Albayrak heard cries for help from a McDonald's toilet from two ... Role model: Tugce Albayrak was killed after protecting two teenage ...
    9. A Student Has Died After She Confronted A Group Of Men ...

      3 days ago - Germany's president described Tugce Albayrak as a role model, and candlelight vigils have been held in her honor. ..
    10. Honoring German student Tugce Albayrak, who died ...

      2 days ago - On November 15th, 22-year old Turkish-German student Tugce Albayrakwas at a McDonald's in the city of Offenbach (near Frankfurt), when ...

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