
Monday, October 6, 2014

Terrorist Traffic Attacks

Terrorist Traffic Attacks ---

Very few traffic crashes are officially categorized as terrorism. It is possible that far more crashes are actually motivated by terrorism than authorities suspect.


Category:Homicides by motor vehicle


5 dead 38 injured Monday October 28, 2013 Jeep Plows Through Sidewalk At Tiananmen Square in China  At about noon in Beijing's Tinanmen Square, a jeep squeezed by the only opening in a barrier, entered a sidewalk and drove nearly 500 yards driving over tourists and police, until it hit a column near the portrait of Mao Tse-tung and caught fire. The driver and two passengers were killed. Casualties were later revised to five dead and 38 injured. It was still not yet obvious whether it was an accident, but the Los Angeles Times speculated that circumstances indicated it could be China's first deliberate suicide attack at one of the most closely guarded locations in China.

September 23, 2014 Israel Police Chief: 'Car Accident' Was Terror Rock Tossing Attack Arutz Sheva Israel Police Chief: 'Car Accident' Was Terror Attack. Israel Police Chief Yochanan Danino has confirmed that the victims of a tragic car crash Friday were murdered by terrorists, Channel 2 television reported Sunday afternoon. Previously, police stated that the crash was caused by driver error and was definitely not the result of an attack. autopsy findings in the deaths of the two victims, 25-year-old Asher Palmer and his infant son Yehonatan.  Among the evidence that at first failed, for unknown reasons, to convince police that terrorists may have been involved: a hole in the front windshield of the car, a massive rock found in the front seat with human blood on it, a tear in fabric of the steeling wheel cover and dust indicating a blow from the rock, and damage to Asher Palmer's face suggesting an impact unrelated to the crash...  evidence suggests that the Palmers may have been targeted in a drive-by attack rather than Arabs standing on the road. At least 18 Israeli drivers have reported being victims of such attacks in the past month alone.

19 injured, 1 killed (suspect) December 22, 2008 Jerusalem BMW attack Wikipedia The Jerusalem BMW attack was a terrorist attack which took place in Jerusalem, Israel on 22 September 2008 in which a Palestinian Qassem Mughrabi drove a BMW saloon car into a group of off-duty soldiers, injuring 19. According to Stratfor Global Intelligence analysts, this attack represents a new militant tactic which is less lethal but could prove more difficult to prevent than suicide bombings. Mughrabi's father said his son did not have a driving license and apparently lost control of the car. "My son was murdered, they killed him. He did not carry out a terrorist attack. This was a car accident."

March 3, 2006 Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar SUV attack Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-American, intentionally, as he confessed, hit people with a sport utility vehicle on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths of Muslims worldwide" and to "punish" the United States government. While no one was killed in the attack, nine people were injured (none seriously). Shortly after the attack, he turned himself in and was arrested. He pled guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder, and in 2008 was sentenced to 33 years in prison, on two counts of attempted murder. In one letter, Taheri-azar wrote, "I was aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohamed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, who obtained a doctorate degree." Local Muslim leaders condemned the attack and the attempt by the assailant to link the Qur'an to his actions.

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