
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Joachim Joesten Communist JFK Conspiracy Theorist

Joachim Joesten Communist JFK Conspiracy Theorist ---
tags: communist, Conspiracy Theories, jfk conspiracy, KGB mark lane

Mid 1964 (before Warren Commission)  Joachim Joesten Communist JFK Conspiracy Theorist publishes the first JFK conspiracy book Oswald, assassin or fall guy? published by KGB front publishing house Marzani & Munsell.

Joachim Joesten Communist JFK Conspiracy Theorist Joachim Joesten , son of a physician, is an American historian and journalist of East German origin; he was born in Germany on June 29, 1907. He fled the Nazi advance in europe, and later was an active member of the Communist Party of Germany. He immigrated to the United States where he joined Newsweek, and one of the first to speculate that Lee Harvey Oswald was just a fall guy in a book published by Marzani & Munsell. He died in August 1975. After the fall of the Soviet Union, it was revealed hat the fall of the Soviet Union, it was proven that Joesten was a paid KGB Agent and the publisher was a KGB Front. The purpose of this conspiracy-theory was to discredit America and the CIA, sow doubt and fear in the populace, and discredit the idea that the Soviets had any involvement in killing JFK. He was a traitor active-measures disinformation intelligence agent who assigned by the Soviet KGB to divert attention from the communist connections of JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.


He was educated at the universities of Nancy (France) and Madrid in Spain. Returned to Berlin , he worked as a journalist for the newspaper Weltbuehne .He was also a active member of the Communist Party of Germany .

After the seizure of power by Hitler , he emigrated to France , then to Denmark .It is in Denmark he published his first book in 1939:Denmark's Day of Doom , published by Victor Gollancz.

During the German invasion of Denmark, he fled to Sweden. He married May Nilsson and the young couple emigrated to the United States Upon his arrival in New York , he joined the team of Newsweek magazine .He also became a freelance writer specializing in contemporary history and international politics.

He published books as well as successful:

The Battle for the Atlantic (1942) ( The Battle of the Atlantic )
The Luciano Story (1954) ( The story of Luciano )
Nasser: The Rise to Power (1960) ( Nasser's rise to power )
The Red Hand (1962) ( The Red Hand )
Spies and Spy Techniques since World War II (1963) ( Spies and espionage techniques since the Second World War )

He was also interested in the post-war former Nazi criminal networks and their international ramifications, particularly the activities of the Nazi network revolving around Werner Naumann and Herbert Lucht , a former member of the "Propaganda Abteilung" in Paris, which Belgian wife Countess false "Slissy" was a cousin of Leon Degrelle and contributor to Paris to Otto Abetz . He published about this:

Dr. Naumann's conspiracy, the pattern of world-wide crypto-Nazi plot , 1953.
He was interested later in the assassination of President Kennedy and defended the theory of "conspiracy" from the US institution, a theory which was a great success.

Oswald, assassin or fall guy? (1964) ( Oswald, assassin or illusion? )

He also tried to unmask the network who tried to assassinate General de Gaulle , and published his findings in his book:


He was one of the first contemporary journalists have highlighted as a driver of major events of contemporary history the action of a series of "conspirators" invisible whose official explanations attempt to hide the role.

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Among the books published by Marzani in 1964 was the first volume on the ear in the United States, Oswald: Assassin or Fall-Guy? by the German writer Joachim Joesten. At the beginning of the book Joesten expresses his "heartfelt thanks to Carl Marzani, a shrewd and hard-hitting publisher in the finest American tradition, who put his whole heart and soul in this book;" Marzani succeeded in publishing it within five weeks of receiving the manuscript." Joesten supported Moscow's line in pinning the blame for the assassination on a conspiracy by right-wing racists, chief among them "oil magnate H. L. Hunt":

According to Joesten, Oswald was "an FBI agent provocateur with a CIA background" who had been judged expendable, used as a fall guy and murdered to prevent him giving evidence. Oswald: Assassin or Fall-Guy? thus established two themes which were to recur in Soviet and Russian active measures for the next thirty years: a plot by Hunt and other right-wing fanatics; and the involvement of the CIA. At the time, however, Joesten's book was overshadowed by the publication of the Warren report and further undermined by the publicity given to Joesten's Communist background."  The KGB correctly identified the New York lawyer Mark Lane as the most talented of the first wave of conspiracy theorists researching the JFK assassination. Joesten praised Lane as "brilliant and courageous" and dedicated his own book to him: "Neither the 'Police state tactics' of the FBI -- to use [Lane's] own words -- nor the conspiracy of silence of the press magnates, could sway him from doggedly pursuing the truth."

The Collapse of Journalistic Standards in JFK Coverage Accuracy in Media Nov 27, 2013 -Any hope that the media will practice civility and raise journalistic standards has been dashed by the sympathetic coverage given to a new book falsely charging an American president with mass murder and political assassinations. The book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, is based in part on the work of a communist operative, Joachim Joesten, who was assigned by the Soviet KGB to divert attention from the communist connections of JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Stone’s book “stands on the research of citizens who have doubted the government’s version of events as depicted by the Warren Commission,” his preface says. One of these “citizens” is identified as an East German Communist by the name of Joachim Joesten, the author of the 1968 book, The Dark Side of Lyndon Johnson. Joesten’s other books on the Kennedy assassination include Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy?, published by a KGB front company, Marzani & Munsell. Stone has appeared on Russian media outlets such as the Voice of Russia and RT (Russia Today) television, where he has assured the Kremlin that he holds the Soviet state blameless in JFK’s murder.

Carl Aldo Marzani (4 March 1912 – 11 December 1994) was an Italian-born leftwing political activist and publisher. He was successively a Communist Party organizer, volunteer soldier in the Spanish Civil War, United States federal intelligence official, documentary filmmaker, author, and publisher. During World War II he served in the federal intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and later the U.S. Department of State. He picked the targets for the Doolittle raid on Tokyo, which took place on April 18, 1942. Marzani served nearly three years in prison for having concealed his Communist Party USA (CPUSA) membership while in the OSS.

In 1946 Marzani founded and directed Union Films, a film documentary company that had contracts with the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America and other unions to do documentaries. One film entitled Deadline for Action, was released in September 1946, five weeks before Marzani resigned from the State Department. The film blamed the United States for the Cold War.
In prison, Marzani began work on a book blaming President Harry S. Truman for starting the Cold War. Caught attempting to smuggle a manuscript out of prison in 1950, he was placed in solitary confinement for seven months. The book was published in 1952 as We Can Be Friends: The Origins of the Cold War.
Union Films went out of business during his stay in prison. After his release in 1951, Marzani edited UE Steward for the United Electrical Workers until 1954. The same year he joined Cameron Associates and partnered with Angus Cameron to run Liberty Book Club. Liberty Book Club eventually became Marzani & Munsell which operated the Library-Prometheus Book Club. In this phase of his career Marzani was a contact for the Soviet secret police agency, the KGB, and the KGB subsidized his publishing house in the 1960s, according to allegations made in 1994 by Oleg Kalugin, a retired KGB officer.

Marzani was one of the interviewees in Vivian Gornick's 1977 book, The romance of American communism. Like the other interviewees, Marzani was concealed by a pseudonym; his was "Eric Lanzetti".[5][6]

  1. Praise from a Future Generation: The Assassination of John ...
    John Kelin - 2007 - ‎History
    At his trial, the principal witness against Marzani was a police spy and agent provocateur ... 6 Marzani and Munsell quickly issued several booklets relating to the ...

  • Carl Marzani - Conservapedia Aldo Marzani (4 March 1912 - 11 December 1994), was an American who served in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II and later the U.S. Department of State. He also became a political documentary filmmaker, authored many books and articles, and was an editor and publisher. Marzani served nearly three years in prison for concealing his Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) membership while in the OSS.
    Soviet archives and Venona decryption reveal that he was an NKVD spy and Soviet propagandist. In 2012, Hudson Institute adjunct fellow historian Ronald Radosh hinted that Marzani's Soviet-published We Can Be Friends may have been plagiarized in Oliver Stone's The Untold History of the United States.[1]



    Early years

    Marzani was born in Rome, Italy. The family emigrated to the United States in 1924 and settled in Scranton Pennsylvania. Carl entered the first grade at the age of twelve. As Marzini learned English his schooling improved, and he graduated from High School in 1931 with a scholarship to Williams College.
    At Williams Carl became a Socialist and joined the League for Industrial Democracy. Marzani began writing and became the editor of the schools literary magazine. Marzani married his first wife Edith Eisner, an actress whose stage name was Edith Emerson. Marzani graduated summa cum laude from Williams College in 1935, with a BA in English. Marzani then moved to New York. In 1936 Marzani received a Moody fellowship to Oxford University.

    Spanish Civil War

    When the Spanish Civil War broke out Marzani lead anarchist troops in Spain the Durruti Column during late 1936 and early 1937. In June 1938 Marzani received a BA in Modern Greats; Philosphy, Politics and Economics from Oxford. He then joined the British Communist Party, and served as treasurer of the South Midlands district. In the summer of 1938 Marzani and his newe wife Carl travelled around the world, visiting India, Indochina, China, Japan, and Europe, using Communist Party contacts to meet Nehru and others.

    Communazi era

    After their world tour, the Marzanis returned to the United States and went on relief, the New Deal term for government assistance and welfare. Eventually they got government paid jobs with the Works Progress Administration (WPA) while at the same time joining the CPUSA, with false identities. Marzani joined the CPUSA 23 August 1939, on the day the Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed.
    As a WPA instructor at New York University, as served as district Organizer for the Communist Party on the Lower East Side of New York. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union in mid 1941, Marzani became director of a popular front anti-fascist organization, and resigned from the Communist party in August, 1941.


    In early 1942 after the United States became involved in World War II, Marzani joined the OSS, the predecssor organization of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Marzani worked under Colonel William J. Donovan from 1942-1945 in the Analysis Branch. While at the OSS Marzani worked closely with a group of Soviet agents[1][2] managed by Eugene Dennis, who later became CPUSA General Secretary. In 1945 Marzani transferred to the Department of State, where he worked as the Deputy Chief of the Presentation Division of the Office of Intelligence. Marzani's handled the preparation of top-secret reports, dealing with statistics, and communications in all forms of media. He also picked the targets for the Doolittle raid on Tokyo, which took place on April 18 1942.

    Cold War propaganda

    In 1946 Marzani founded and directed Union Films, a film documentary company that had contracts with United Electrical and other unions to do documentaries. One film entitled Deadline for Action, was released in September 1946, five weeks before Marzani resigned from the State Department. The film blamed the United States for the Cold War.


    In January 1947 Marzani's was indicted on fraud charges, receiving government pay while concealing CPUSA membership. Marzani was convicted on 22 June 1947, but nine counts were overturned on appeal, while the Supreme Court split 4-4 on a rare rehearing the last two charges. Marzani served thirty-two months of a thirty-six month sentence.
    In prison, Marzani began work on a book blaming President Truman for starting the Cold War. Caught in 1950 attempting to smuggle out of prison a manuscript, Marzani was placed in solitary confinement for seven months. The book was published in 1952 as We Can Be Friends: The Origins of the Cold War.
    Union Films went out of business during his stay in prison. After his release in 1951, Marzani edited UE Steward for the United Electrical Workers until 1954. The same year he joined Cameron Associates and partnered with Angus Cameron to run Liberty Book Club. Later Liberty became Marzani & Munsell which operated the Library-Prometheus Book Club.

    Vietnam era propaganda

    Oleg Kalugin, a retired KGB officer in 1994 identified Marzani as a contact and a recipient of KGB subsidies for his publishing house in the 1960s.


    • Louis Budenz, Men Without Faces: The Communist Conspiracy in the USA (New York: Harper, 1948), 252.
    • Carl Marzani, The Education of a Reluctant Radical, book 4 (New York: Topical Books, 1995), 3–7, 30, 87.
    • Oleg Kalugin, with Fen Montaigne, The First Directorate: My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994), 48–50.
    • John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, (Yale University Press, 1999), 104, 218, 220–221.
    • FBI file Marzani, Carl Aldo - BOPNO HQ-0770023443
    • FBI file Marzani, Carl Aldo - BOPNO HQ-0870144622
    • FBI file Marzani, Carl Aldo - BOPNO HQ-1000345490

    Nov 13, 2012 - Carl Aldo Marzani (4 March 1912 - 11 December 1994), was an American who ... Later Liberty became Marzani & Munsell which operated the ...

  • Carl Marzani - Spartacus Educational › American History › The Assassination of JFK

    Marzani now went into publishing and established the company Marzani & Munsell. According to Marzani he specialised in books that upset the status quo.

  • How Moscow Undermined the Warren Commission

    Mar 30, 2007 - Taken together, they prove that the KGB played a central, pernicious role in ... a freelance journalist named Joachim Joesten posited a strikingly  ...30 March 2007

    How Moscow Undermined the Warren Commission
    By Max Holland... Among those who believe in a conspiracy, the most widely accepted theory is that elements of the US government, most conspicuously the CIA, were complicit in gunning down the 35th president in broad daylight.

        How is it that Americans have come to embrace a conspiracy theory that reads like a script written by the KGB, the CIA’s mortal Cold War adversary? Well, it turns out that Moscow’s relentless propagation of that virulent theory and its prevalence here are no mere coincidence. One of the more amazing stories to seep out of the former Soviet empire is the role Moscow played in exploiting Americans’ psychological vulnerability after the assassination, and in preying on their devotion to due process. We can piece together this concerted effort only now with the release of documents from Soviet archives — some disclosures authorized, some not. Taken together, they prove that the KGB played a central, pernicious role in fomenting the belief that the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s assassination.

        The first inkling of an aggressive KGB posture is revealed in a document gratuitously cited by Boris Yeltsin in his 1994 memoir. In a letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union dated November 23, 1963 — when Oswald was still alive — KGB Chairman Vladimir Semichastny recommends publishing in a “progressive paper in one of the Western countries,” an article “exposing the attempt by reactionary circles in the USA to remove the responsibility for the murder of Kennedy from the real criminals, [i.e.,] the racists and ultraright elements guilty of the spread and growth of violence and terror in the United States.”

        Two months later, R. Palme Dutt, the Stalinist editor of a  Communist-controlled British journal called Labour Monthly, published an article that raised the specter of CIA involvement without offering a scintilla of evidence. “[M]ost commentators,” he wrote, “have surmised a coup of the Ultra-Right or racialists of Dallas. That may be; but the trail, if followed up seriously, seems to reach wider . . . on the face of it this highly organized coup (even to the provision of a ’fall guy’ . . . and rapid killing of the fall guy while manacled in custody, as soon as there appeared a danger of his talking), with the manifest complicity necessary of a very wide range of authorities, bears all the hallmarks of a CIA job.”

        Five months later, in June 1964, a freelance journalist named Joachim Joesten posited a strikingly similar analysis in his book Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? Following a chapter on “Oswald and the CIA,” Joesten asserted that the agency was beyond presidential control and bitterly opposed to Kennedy’s policy of “easing the Cold War.” It has long been a matter of record that Joesten’s book was the first published in the United States on the subject of the assassination. Until the notes of a former KGB archivist named Vasili Mitrokhin were published in 1999, however, it was not known that Joesten’s publisher, the small New York firm of Marzani & Munsell, received subsidies totaling $672,000 from the Central Committee of the Communist Party in the early 1960s.

        These early efforts to implicate the CIA met with little apparent success. But the KGB kept on trying and finally hit the jackpot once a relatively unknown New Orleans district attorney named Jim Garrison took a sudden interest in the assassination in late 1966. The word “dupe” has long been out of favor, but that’s precisely what Garrison turned out to be after he arrested Clay Shaw in March 1967 and charged him with conspiring to assassinate Kennedy. Owing to a clever piece of KGB disinformation planted in Paese Sera, a Communist-owned Italian newspaper, Garrison came to believe that in Shaw he had apprehended an important “CIA operative.” And on the basis of this deception (again, revealed by KGB archivist Mitrokhin), Garrison constructed an entire conspiracy edifice, ultimately arguing that the CIA had plotted the assassination-coup d’etat in concert with the military-industrial complex — again, because Kennedy was allegedly easing up in the Cold War.... After receiving an inadvertent assist from the Watergate and intelligence hearings of the mid-1970s, the KGB could justifiably claim, by the end of the decade, that owing to its “active measures,” more Americans believed in its conspiracy theory (or some variation thereof) than in the findings of the Warren Commission.

        This preposterous allegation of CIA involvement might have faded with time but for a chance encounter in a Havana elevator between the publisher of Garrison’s 1988 memoir and a powerful Hollywood director named Oliver Stone. In JFK, Stone reconstructs Jim Garrison’s edifice so painstakingly that 88 minutes into the movie, the KGB disinformation resurfaces. Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) hands Clay Shaw (Tommy Lee Jones) the Italian newspaper clipping, and the implication is created that Shaw was a “contract agent for the Central Intelligence Agency.” Arguably, Stone’s 1991 movie is the only American feature film made during the Cold War to have, as its very axis, a lie concocted in the KGB’s disinformation factories....

        If and when the archives of the Communist Party’s “sword and shield” are fully opened, the KGB’s indispensable role in propagating the lie of CIA involvement will take its place among other triumphs of Russian deception, such as the infamous Czarist forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Until then there is only this sobering thought, long an axiom of professional intelligence officers: We are never truly deceived by others; we only deceive ourselves.

    This article first appeared in The Washington Post, 22 November 2003
    © 2003 by Max Holland

  • In 1992 Vasili Mitrokhin, a retired senior KGB archivist, provided the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) with six large cases of top-secret material from the KGB's foreign intelligence archive. Some of this material deals with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It includes the claim, from Polish sources, that Clinton Murchison and H. L. Hunt had been involved in the funding of the assassination.

    The KGB archives show that the Soviet Union helped fund the publishing the books claiming that Kennedy was killed as a result of a right-wing conspiracy. Some of this money was sent to Carl Marzani (codenamed NORD). Among the books published by Marzani in 1964 was Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? by the German writer, Joachim Joesten. The KGB also arranged for Mark Lane to receive $1,500 to help his research. However, the document makes it clear that Lane was not told the source of the money. The same person arranged for Lane to receive $500 to help pay for a trip in Europe in 1964. KGB agent, Genrikh Borovik, was also assigned to help Lane with his research for Rush to Judgement (1965).

    Probably the most interesting material from this archive concerns the KGB assessment of the relationship between John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Ever since the Soviets started sending agents into the United States in the 1920s they had been encouraging members of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) to become involved in the struggle for civil rights. For example, they enjoyed great success in their propaganda campaign for the Scottsboro Boys in 1931.

    After the Second World War the Soviets used the way that African-Americans were treated in the United States as an attempt to gain influence in the Third World. At first they welcomed the campaigns of Martin Luther King against the Jim Crow Laws as it provided evidence of the worldwide struggle against American imperialism. However, to the dismay of the KGB. King repeatedly linked the aims of the civil rights movement to the fulfilment of the American dream and "the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence".

    After King's inspirational letter from Birmingham Jail on 16th April, 1963, where he argued "We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America, is freedom", it was decided by the KGB to mount a smear campaign against the leader of the civil rights movement. The task was given to Yuri Modin, deputy head of Service A (KGB's disinformation unit). Modin is an interesting character who has been largely ignored by historians. Modin was the man who in 1947 he was sent to London and became the main contact of Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and John Cairncross. Modin also arranged the flight of Maclean and Burgess in 1951 and was in Beirut when Philby went missing in January 1963.

    One of the great ironies in history is that while the KGB were trying to portray King as betraying African-Americans, J. Edgar Hoover was telling William C. Sullivan, the head of the Intelligence Division of the FBI, that “King was an instrument of the Communist Party” and posed “a serious threat to the security of the country.” Hoover instructed Sullivan to get evidence that “King had a relationship with the Soviet bloc”. Despite an intensive surveillance campaign, Sullivan was unable to find a clear link between King and the Communist Party of the United States. This did not stop Hoover from using his contacts in the press to write stories giving the impression that King was a communist.

    The KGB campaign against King was stepped up with the passing of civil rights legislation under President Lyndon B. Johnson. Modin arranged for articles to appear in the African press which could be reprinted in American newspapers, portraying King as an "Uncle Tom" who was secretly receiving government subsidies to tame the civil rights movement and prevent it threatening the Johnson administration.

    One of the most interesting documents in the KGB archive is dated August 1967 and authorizes Modin: "To organize, through the use of KGB residency resources in the US, the publication and distribution of brochures, pamphlets, leaflets and appeals denouncing the policy of the Johnson administration on the Negro question - and exposing the brutal terrorist methods being used by the government to suppress the Negro rights movement. To arrange, via available agent resources, for leading figures in the legal profession to make public statements discrediting the policy of the Johnson administration on the Negro question. To forge and distribute through illegal channels a document showing that the John Birch Society, in conjunction with the Minuteman organization, is developing a plan for the physical elimination of leading figures in the Negro movement in the US."


  • Joachim Joesten - The Education Forum › ... › JFK Assassination Debate

    Jul 31, 2004 - 4 posts - ‎4 authors
    Joachim Joesten - posted in JFK Assassination Debate: Hi all, ... theorists have claimed over the years that Joesten was a KGB agent and that  ...

  • How the Soviet KGB created Conspiracy Theories, page 1 - Above Top ...

    Aug 4, 2013 - 20 posts - ‎7 authors
    Operation: INFEKTION was a KGB disinformation campaign to spread information ...books to be published was in 1964 by Joachim Joesten.The black propaganda tools of a very shrewd and cynical Soviet KGB created many of the ideas that are still echoed today as "conspiracy theories". I have been reading and researching conspiracy-theories for the last 20 years and in time, my suspicions were aroused because so many of these theories were directed at the USA specifically. "Why is America always the culprit in these theories?" I asked myself. Is there an actual conspiracy behind these conspiracy-theories? 

    Ever since the early days of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the Russians were very well-versed in spying, counter-intelligence, disinformation, propaganda, placing "sleepers" into various countries, recruiting American journalists, filmmakers and academics for their agenda. Compared to their expertise, Americans were, for the longest time, naive amateurs (as the recent NSA outings have shown, America is no longer an amateur). To give you a taste for the outrageous extent of their campaign these are three fairly popular examples of conspiracy-theories that were planted by the KGB. It often surprises me how supposedly suspicious and skeptical "conspiracy theorists" rarely ask about the origins of a theory and who benefits from certain information. 

  • Example 2: The JFK Conspiracy Theory 

    One of the very first JFK-Conspiracy books to be published was in 1964 by Joachim Joesten. The book was titled "Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy" and was published prior to the Warren Report. In this book it was claimed that JFK was killed by the CIA and that Oswald was not a lone gunman. The book has been used by many subsequent conspiracy-theorists, including Oliver Stone and his movie JFK, to support their views. In fact, it is still parroted to this day. 

    Only decades later, with the fall of the Soviet Union, it was proven that Joesten was a paid KGB Agent and the publisher was a KGB Front. The purpose of this conspiracy-theory was once again to discredit America and the CIA and sow doubt and fear in the populace. It was quite a successful operation, judging from the thousands of books and articles that still emulate the original KGB-message. 

    Source: The Sword and the Shield (among other sources) 

    Example 3: Islamic Anti-Americanism 

    Evidence has been steadily mounting that Anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world is not exclusively a creation of American Interventionism, but has been generously fueled by the Soviet KGB as well. 

    One of the operating principles of the Soviets was to look for already existing antagonism toward the U.S. and blow it out of proportion through added disinformation. Another tactic was to wait for the U.S. to make mistakes - such as those in foreign policy - and to then emphasize and mass-publish those mistakes. Anything to create anger and rage toward America was a good tool for the KGB, whether it had a factual basis or not. 

    In a recent book titled "Disinformation", former KGB Agent Ion Mihai Pacepa (image above) writes that his colleague and acquaintance Yuri Andropov (image below), the head of the KGB in the 1960s, was taksed with reviving anti-semitism in conjuction with anti-Americanism among Arabs and Persians. The goal was to "convince muslims that America was ruled by Jews". For this purpose the "Palestinian Liberation Army" was founded and trained by KGB special ops and books were published that displayed Israelis, Zionists and Americans as the worlds foremost threat to peace. It was hoped that by teaching muslims that America was ruled by the "Council of the Wise Elders of Zion", who were plotting to take over the whole world, that violence and terrorism against the U.S. would follow. Pacepa writes: 

    "In 1972 I received from the KGB an Arabic translation of the old Russian forgery, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” We also received "documentary" material in Arabic produced by the Soviet disinformation "proving" America was a Zionist country whose aim was to transform the Islamic world into a Jewish fief. My DIE was ordered to disseminate these documents within its targeted Islamic countries. During my later years in Romania, the DIE disseminated thousands of copies of “The Protocols” and similar “documents” each month. The fruit of the KGB’s disinformation campaign was seen on Sept. 11, 2001. The weapon of choice for that horrific act was a hijacked airplane – a concept invented and perfected by Andropov's disinformation machinery.

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