
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Honeypot Prostitution Lure

Honeypot Prostitution Lure ---

* Reference

Wikipedia:  Clandestine HUMINT asset recruiting

Love, honeypots, and recruitment[edit]

U.S. intelligence services, for example, are concerned when their own personnel could be subject to sexual blackmail. This applied to any homosexual relationship until the mid-1990s, and also applied to heterosexual relationships with most foreign nationals.[11] See honeypots in espionage fiction for fictional examples. In some cases, especially when the national was a citizen of a friendly nation, the relationship needed to be reported. Failure to do so, even with a friendly nation, could result in dismissal.
One former CIA officer said that while sexual entrapment wasn't generally a good tool to recruit a foreign official, it was sometimes employed successfully to solve short-term problems. Seduction is a classic technique; "swallow" was the KGB tradecraft term for women, and "raven" the term for men, trained to seduce intelligence targets.[12]
During the Cold War, the KGB (and allied services, including the East German Stasi under Markus Wolf, and the CubanIntelligence Directorate (formerly known as Dirección General de Inteligencia or DGI)) frequently sought to entrap CIA officers. The KGB believed that Americans were sex-obsessed materialists, and that U.S. spies could easily be entrapped by sexual lures. The best-known incident, however, was of Clayton Lonetree, a Marine guard supervisor at the Moscow embassy, who was seduced by a "swallow" who was a translator at the Embassy of the United States in Moscow. Once the seduction took place, she put him in touch with a KGB handler. The espionage continued after his transfer to Vienna, although he eventually turned himself in.
The Soviets used sex not only for direct recruitment, but as a contingency where an American officer might need to be compromised in the future. The CIA itself made limited use of sexual recruitment against foreign intelligence services. "Coercive recruitment generally didn't work. We found that offers of money and freedom worked better".[11] If the Agency found a Soviet intelligence officer had a girlfriend, they would try to recruit the girlfriend as an access agent. Once the CIA personnel had access to the Soviet officer, they might attempt to double him.
Examples of people trapped by sexual means include:
  • Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear whistleblower.
  • Clayton J. Lonetree, a U.S. Marine Sergeant embassy guard in Moscow, was entrapped by a female Soviet officer in 1987. He was then blackmailed into handing over documents when he was assigned to Vienna. Lonetree was the first U.S. Marine to be convicted of spying against the United States.
  • Roy Rhodes, a U.S. Army NCO serving at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, had a one-night stand (or was made to believe he had) with a Soviet agent while drunk. He was later told the agent was pregnant, and that unless he cooperated with the Soviet authorities, this would be revealed to his wife.
  • Irvin C. Scarbeck, a U.S. diplomat, was entrapped by a female Polish officer in 1961 and photographed in a compromising position. He was blackmailed into providing secrets.
  • Sharon Scranage, a CIA employee described as a "shy, naive, country girl", was allegedly seduced by Ghanaianintelligence agent Michael Soussoudis. She later gave him information on CIA operations in Ghana, which was later shared with Soviet-bloc countries.
  • John Vassall, a British embassy official in Moscow, who was guided by the KGB into having sex with multiple male partners while drunk in 1954. The KGB then used photographs of this incident to blackmail Vassall into providing them with secret information.
  • Bernard Boursicot, a French diplomat, was entrapped by Shi Pei Pu, who was working for the Chinese government. Shi Pei Pu, a male Chinese opera singer, successfully masqueraded as a woman and told Boursicot he was carrying Boursicot's child. The situation was fictionalized into the play M. Butterfly.
  • Sir Geoffrey Harrison, the British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, was recalled to London in 1968 after he admitted to the Foreign Office that he had been having an affair with a Russian chambermaid at the embassy, of which he had been shown compromising photographs by the KGB.[13]
  • Katrina Leung, indicted as a double agent working for both China and the FBI, seduced her FBI handler, James J. Smith, and was able to obtain FBI information of use to China through him. She also had an affair with another FBI officer, William Cleveland.
  • In 2006, the British Defence Attaché in Islamabad Pakistan, was recalled home, when it emerged that he had been involved in a relationship with a Pakistani woman, who was an intelligence agent. While the British Government deny that secrets were lost, others sources say that several Western operatives and operations within Pakistan were compromised.[14]
  • In May 2007 a female officer serving in Sweden's Kosovo force was suspected of having leaked classified information to her Serbian lover who turned out to be a spy.[15]
  • Won Jeong-hwa, who was arrested by South Korea in 2008 and charged with spying for North Korea, is accused of using this method to obtain information from an army officer.[16]


  • HONEY POT – aka-Mata Hari, Raven, lady, femme fatale; a female agent using romance to compromise a target.
  • HONEY TRAP – Slang for use of men or women in sexual situations to intimidate or snare others. This use of sex to trap or blackmail an individual is standard practice in intelligence operations.


1 murdered, 27 accused perpetrators January 21, 2006 Murder of Ilan Halimi for Anti-Semitism in France Ilan Halimi (Hebrew: אילן חלימי‎, Arabic: ایلان حلیمی) was a young French Jewish man of Moroccan descent who was kidnapped and held for ransom on 21 January 2006 by a group of African immigrants called the Gang of Barbarians and subsequently tortured, over a period of three weeks, resulting in his death. Halimi was lured by an attractive customer, a seventeen-year-old girl who called herself Yalda[4] (of French-Iranian origin),[5] to an apartment block in the Parisian banlieues.[6] There Halimi was overwhelmed by a youth gang and kept prisoner for twenty-four days. The woman who later turned herself in was Audrey L., a retirement home nurse, has been involved in several "honeypot" operations before but had never quite realized what they were all about. According to one witness, verses from the Koran were recited while Halimi was tortured. When Ilan was found barely alive, he was naked, handcuffed, and bleeding profusely, and incapable of speaking. His entire body - or "80% of it," according to police - had been butchered. He died of his wounds on the way to the hospital only minutes after being found.

January 17, 2001 Mona Jaud Awana Honeypot Palestinian Terrorist Awana, Mona Jaud lured over the internet the 16-year-old Israeli high school student Ofir Rahum, pretending to be a young American tourist, managed to drive him to a remote area in the outskirts of Ramallah where three Palestinian gunmen showed up and shot Rahum at close range. She was a devoted member of the student wing of Al Fatah's Tanzim terror organization. She was released to Gaza on 18 October 2011 as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas. Awana is now residing in exile in Turkey.


October 17, 2014 Darren Deon Vann Indiana Serial Murder Suspect Suspect Darren Deon Vann, 43 allegedly ordered a prostitute through the site serving Chicago and arranged a Friday meeting at a Motel 6 in Hammond with Afrikka Hardy, 19. When another person went to the motel to check on Hardy, they found her body in a bathtub. Using a phone number provided by the facilitator, police electronically tracked Vann down. He was arrested and confessed to the murder of 7 Indiana victims to police.

August 4, 2014 Radicalized Convert Ali Muhammad Brown Charged Murder of Gay Man, College Student, Robbery  Ali Muhammad Brown is wanted for the shooting of two gay men in Seattle on June 1, 2014 Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young. The murder is being investigated as a possible hate crime against gays possibly motivated by radicalized Islamic beliefs as there were no other apparent motives. Brown claims to be Muslim and a jihadi. He told investigators that the shooting of the four victims in the Seattle area and New Jersey were “just kills,” or justified shootings of adult males in retaliation for actions by the U.S. government in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. He is in jail on $5 million bail.

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