
Friday, October 24, 2014

Ferguson Protest Connections

Ferguson Protest Connections ---

America's enemies and anti-government forces are lining up for "justice" in Fergeson


  • *Cuba
  • *Iran Ferguson was top news, even overshadowing a magnitude 6.2 earthquake that injured dozens.
  • *ISIS A sign that read "ISIS here" was spotted Monday night behind a CNN host
  • *Russia RT has been characterizing the St. Louis protests as a "nationwide" phenomenon.


“The Ferguson incident once again demonstrates that even in a country that has for years tried to play the role of an international human rights judge and defender, there is still much room for improvement at home,” China’s state-run New China News Agency said in a commentary published Monday,


A prominent Cuban news site, Cubadebate, asked in its opinion pages: "Is the Ku Klux Klan coming back with force?" [Link in Spanish]


August 18, 2014 In Iran on Monday, Ferguson was top news, even overshadowing a magnitude 6.2 earthquake that injured dozens. The Islamic Republic News Agency, the government’s official news service, commented that “violence has become institutionalized in the U.S. in recent years, but since President Obama, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, came to the White House, the violence has intensified, and now it has erupted against blacks in Ferguson.”

in Iran — it wasn't the destructive earthquake that injured hundreds that made top billing on the state-run agency's site Monday. Instead, the Ferguson protests were front and center.
The Twitter account thought to be run by the office of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei also had a lot to say on the subject. One tweet called the U.S. the "biggest violator of #HumanRights" — an interesting stance to take on Twitter considering Iran doesn't even allow its citizens to use the social media site

*ISIS  A sign that read "ISIS here" was spotted Monday night behind a CNN host

'Chilling' ISIS Sign Seen Behind CNN's Jake Tapper During  TheBlaze
Aug 19, 2014 - A sign that read "ISIS here" was spotted Monday night behind a CNN host ... displaying the message during protests in Ferguson, Missouri.\


ajc Hollywood-style report was from Kremlin-backed TV network RT. RT has been characterizing the St. Louis protests as a "nationwide" phenomenonRT isn't alone. The protests are getting prime-time coverage across other Russian television networks, as well. (Video via Russia 24)
The United States “has positioned itself as a ‘bastion of human rights’ and is actively engaged in 'export of democracy' on a systematic basis,” but “serious violations of basic human rights and barbaric practices thrive” in the country, Moscow said in remarks Friday

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