
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ebola Wafare

Ebola Wafare ---

Also see ebola conspiracy theories blaming US and UN
Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DOD Liberian Observer Newspaper African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. This story also appears in pro-Palestine, anti-Israel outlets such as Global Research, Press TV, Information Clearing House, Exposing Israel's Agenda. It was called a "conspiracy theory" and "The wildly accusatory by Newsmax, Washington Post and Breitbart.

  • Aum Shurikyo sent team to Africa to collect Ebola in 1992
  • Biopreparat Russian biowarfare lab that developed weaponized Ebola
  • Yoichi Shimatsu has various conspiracy theories and history, Aum Shurikyo
America's Survival: 10/14/2014 Soviet defector Ken Alibek (Kanatjan Alibekov) was the former First Deputy Director of the Soviet Union's biological weapons program. He was interviewed in a PBS program about Soviet use of Ebola. He said: In the 70s and beginning of 80s the Soviet Union started developing new biological weapons--Marburg infection biological weapon, Ebola infection biological weapon, Machupo infection, [or] Bolivian hemorrhagic biological weapon, and some others. The Soviets tried to cover up a biological weapons disaster at their own Army biological research facility at Sverdlovsk, blaming the deaths on tainted meat. Think about everything that’s happening. The Pope says the world’s many problems and conflicts amount to a piecemeal World War Three. But is all of this accidental? Or do we see the hand of the KGB behind global instability and upheaval?

Biopreparat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Biopreparat (Russian: Биопрепарат, "Biological substance preparation") was the Soviet Union's major biological warfare agency from the 1970s on. It was a vast, ostensibly civilian, network of secret laboratories, each of which focused on a different deadly bioagent. Biopreparat was a system of 18, nominally civilian, research laboratories and centers scattered chiefly around European Russia, in which a small army of scientists and technicians developed biological weapons such as anthrax, Ebola, Marburg virus, plague, Q fever, Junin virus, glanders, and smallpox. It was the largest producer of weaponized anthrax in the Soviet Union and was a leader in the development of new bioweapons technologies.

Ebola Weaponized - Scientific American Scientific American
Sep 25, 2014 - This article is from the In-Depth Report Ebola: What You Need to Know ... During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was “growing up large  .. . September 25, 2014 |By Dina Fine Maron
Ebola's exponential spread has rekindled fears that terrorists may seek to turn the virus into a powerful weapon of mass destruction. Such talk has occurred on Capitol Hill and in national security circles.

The Soviets attempted to cultivate smallpox, anthrax, tularemia, botulism and hemorrhagic fevers including Ebola...

The Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo—infamous for setting off sarin gas in a Tokyo subway in 1995—also looked into Ebola as a potential biological weapon. In 1992, they sent a medical group of 40 people ostensibly to help provide aid during an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their real purpose, however, was to collect some Ebola virus...did not succeed

 second, and perhaps easiest, small-scale bioterrorism option would be to recruit individuals for Ebola suicide missions..... transmission would not kill thousands of people, but it would set off significant fears.

Ebola- Biological Weapons -  5 days ago -Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever is one of the most virulent viral diseases known to humankind, causing death in 50-90% of all clinically-ill cases. Consequently, it has figured prominently in popular discussions of biological warfare. Reports suggested that the Ebola virus was researched and weaponized by the former Soviet Union's biological weapons program Biopreparat. Dr. Ken Alibek, former the First Deputy Director of Biopreparat, speculated that the Russians had aerosolized the Ebola virus for dissemination as a biological weapon. The Japanese terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo reportedly sent members to Zaire during an outbreak to harvest the virus.

Ebola 'Secret Serum' Emerged From A Soviet BioWar Lab  Rense Yoichi Shimatsu Aug 21, 2014 - Tracing the connections between ebola and biowarfare for this ... Now it's the turn of Russia's virus-weapons lab known as VECTOR, which  ... earlier articles examined the ebola connection to the biowarfare programs of the US, Britain, France and Germany, exposing a military obsession with the rare tropical virus. Now it’s the turn of Russia’s virus-weapons lab known as VECTOR, which provided two-thirds of the antibodies in the “secret serum” that was shipped to missionary doctor Kent Brantly and aid worker Nancy Writebol.

... During the Korean War, Japanese veterans of Unit 731 were sent by the CIA on nighttime aerial drops over the Yalu River valley. In addition to brucella, a lesser-known toxin in the Unit 731 bio-arsenal called hantavirus was released in rat manure mixed with rice straw and horse hair over North Korea and the Manchurian border region to wipe out Chinese troops and Russian military advisers. Unit 731 (731部隊 Nana-san-ichi butai?, Chinese: 731部队) was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Japanese personnel. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang district of Harbin, the largest city in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (now Northeast China). It was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army (関東軍防疫給水部本部 Kantōgun Bōeki Kyūsuibu Honbu?)

Could Ebola virus become 'bioterrorist threat'? | Fox News
Fox News Channel
Oct 3, 2014 - Former Soviet Union scientists reportedly had tried, but failed to cultivate Ebola for their own biological weapons program in the 1980's.

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