
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Daily Misfortune Thursday October 23, 2014

Daily Misfortune Thursday October 23, 2014 ---
Month October 2014 Timeline ---

5 killed
  1. October 23, 2014 President Obama is taking heat for seeming to hedge on whether Wednesday's attack on Canada's government complex was an act of terrorism
  2. October 23, 2014 Ottawa gunman had ties to jihadists 
  3. October 23, 2014 Canadian Shooter Patsy Informant Media Hoax: FOX News says ‘It’s Terrorism, It’s ISIS’ 
  4. 4 officers attacked, 3 injured, suspect killed by police October 23, 2014 Zale Thompson ISIS inspired anti-white Islamist Attacks NYPD With Ax  
  5. October 23, 2014 Ottawa War Memorial Shooting: The Top 5 Conspiracy Theories 
  6. 8 injured October 23, 2014 Young Iranians Stay Home in Fear of Acid Attacks 
  7. October 23, 2014 Ottawa and The Rise of the Lone Wolf  Radical Islamist Terrorist 
  8. October 23, 2014 Ottawa Shooter Idenfitied As Canadian National Michael Zehaf Bibeau, Whose Passport Was Recently Seized
  9. October 23, 2014 Ottowa shooting: Yet another false flag? Veterans Today
  10. October 23rd, 2014 Denis G. Rancourt Police kill shooter and lose suspect in Ottawa — points finger at US and not those attacked by Canada  
  11. October 23, 2014 Ottawa shooting: a false flag designed to steal away our freedoms? 
  12. 13 injured October 23, 2014  Stolen vehicle plows into Ohio bar, injures 13 
  13. 1 killed by police October 23, 2014 Family, friends hold candlelight vigil for Michael Minor, Md. man fatally shot by Prince George's Co. sheriff's deputy October 23, 2014 Prince George's County Sheriff's Office identifies deputy who shot, killed unarmed man in Suitland home 
  14. 1 killed October 23, 2014 Cepeda, Cesar (27) Texas (Brownsville) charged at law enforcement officers with an axe that led them to fatally shoot him.
  15. 1 killed October 23, 2014 Roman, Luis (25) Massachusetts (Dartmouth)under investigation
  16. 1 killed October 23, 2014 Bustos, Jeremy (43) Arizona (Avondale)  rammed a patrol car while driving a stolen truck then got out of the vehicle with a machete when shot
  17. 7 injured October 23, 2014 7 hurt, 2 seriously, as car accidentally plows into Mexican Restaurant in San Francisco Bay Area 
  1. October 23, 2014 President Obama is taking heat for seeming to hedge on whether Wednesday's attack on Canada's government complex was an act of terrorism, even as Canada's prime minister declared that his country was a victim of a "terrorist." The White House on Thursday called the twin attacks this week against Canadian soldiers "despicable terrorist attacks" -- after President Obama had taken criticism for hedging his characterization a day earlier of the shooting at Canada's government complex.  president stressed they "don't yet have all the information about what motivated the shooting" and whether "this was part of a broader network or plan or whether this was an individual or series of individuals who decided to take these actions." but absent at the time was a direct reference to the gunman in Wednesday's shooting being a terrorist
  2. October 23, 2014 Ottawa gunman had ties to jihadists CNN after announcing nothing to suggest jihad motives changes its story, with video of the man running towards parliment and carjacking.
  3. October 23, 2014 Canadian Shooter Patsy Informant Media Hoax: FOX News says ‘It’s Terrorism, It’s ISIS’ Website gives away that it is a terrorist disinformation apologist site Uncanny timing in Ottawa. Just as the book on Ebola is closed, suddenly, a new chapter on ISIS is open. Have intelligence agencies finally dragged Canada into their ‘War on Terror’? This morning, the Canadian Parliament building located in the capitol of Ottawa, was reported to have been besieged by a Canadian citizen – a ‘lone wolf gunman’ named Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (pictured below). According to FOX News, this is a shooter “with possible connections to ISIS” (Islamic State terrorist organization). Really? We’re told how the Canuck shooter was dressed in black, wearing “an Arab scarf” covering his face, before he fatally shot a security guard at a war memorial, before “storming” Canada’s Parliament building. These scenes could be an indicator that the Ottawa shooting was staged and part of a major terror drill gone live (like the Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook conspiracy theory)– apparently. US media are pushing hard to try and connect this bizarre shooting event to ISIS. Right-wing news outlets like FOX and The Blaze are claiming that, “according to multiple reports” the shooter was a “recent convert to Islam”.. patsy government  take control of their mentally ill, repeat offender asset, hoping he can radicalize other male youths at his local mosque in order to create a new domestic terror cell that the agency can observe and report on. Amazingly, this Canadian shooter fits the bill perfectly...  the FBI and other government agencies recruit, train, and deploy their terror patsies to create the public perception that there are terrorists constantly running amok Other recent FBI terror stooge/informant nightmares include: 
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his informant story here)
    Buford Rogers
     (see his informant story here)
    Jerad Miller (see his informant story here)
    Naji Mansour (see his informant story here
    Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his informant story here)
    Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his informant story here
    Timothy McVeigh (see his informant story here) more likely explanation for the Ottawa Shooter and a number of other lone gunman events, is that these individuals had taken part in well-documented government-run psychiatric projects like MK ULTRA Contributors to this report were 21WIRE senior researcher Peter Sterry, sub editor Jason Smith and writer Patrick Henningsen
  4. 4 officers attacked, 3 injured, suspect killed by police October 23, 2014 Zale Thompson Islamist Attacks NYPD With Ax    Muslim convert Zale Thompson who was discharged from Navy for suspected drug use and absences attacked 4 NYPD police, striking one in the head and another in the arm before he was shot to death by 2 other officers, one shot wounded a bystander woman. He was into black power, and had converted to radical islam and searched for "jihad on police" and ISIS calls to attack, and Thompson’s chatter online revealed he had ties to a radical U.S.-based radical Islamic leader who advocated aggression against the American government. His father told the press that “He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,”
  5. October 23, 2014 Ottawa War Memorial Shooting: The Top 5 Conspiracy Theories Hours before the Ottawa War Memorial shooting began, BBC News reported that Canada had raised its terror threat.For false flag theory aficionados, raised terror level warnings usually indicate an immediate domestic attack.  2. The shooter at the National War Memorial was reportedly using a hunting rifle, or long-gun, for his attack. For Canadian gun right activists and conspiracists, this raises a red flag for how Mr. Harper might be involved if it is a false flag attack. 3. Initially a Rideau Centre shooter was confirmed by police, but this was later recanted.4. 4Chan-User Alleges Police Were Already on Scene Before Shooting
  6. 8 injured October 23, 2014 Young Iranians Stay Home in Fear of Acid Attacks Kay Armin Serjoie / Tehran This week, the street was quiet and its restaurants empty as people avoided public places in the wake of a series of acid attacks on young women. Eight women have been badly injured after having acid thrown in their faces by unidentified men in recent weeks causing fear and anger in the city.
  7. October 23, 2014 The Rise of the Lone Wolf  Radical Islamist Terrorist Time Ottawa shooting appears to be the latest in a series of attacks carried out by individuals [inspired by radical Islam and ISIS] with no clear link to terrorist groups. The shooting death of a Canadian soldier outside Parliament in Ottawa, by a suspect named Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who was then killed inside the building, appears to be the latest in a series of “lone wolf” attacks inspired by radical Islam... two days after authorities said Martin Rouleau-Couture drove his car into two military members, killing one before he was fatally shot by police, and a month after Alton Nolen beheaded a co-worker in Nebraska. All three appeared to be recent converts to Islam. There is no official confirmation that any of these attacks are considered to be direct retaliation for the campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) but Canada’s Public Safety Minister, Steven Blaney, described the violent actions of Rouleau as “clearly linked to terrorist ideology”.
  8. October 23, 2014 Ottawa Shooter Idenfitied As Canadian National Michael Zehaf Bibeau, Whose Passport Was Recently Seized Zehaf-Bibeau is the alleged shooter who killed soldier at the national War Memorial before entering the Centre Block and firing off more shots. Epoch Times reporter Matthew Little says that the shooter got as far as the library before Sergeant-At-Arms shot him dead.Earlier, a Canadian parliament official described the gunman to BBC as looking “Arabian” with “long hair and a small beard.”According to Montreal reporter Domenic Fazioli, Bibeau was arrested five times in the city. He has three possession charges dating back to 2004 (marijuana and PCP). His two other arrests were for parole violations. ...the soldier was gunned down by a man dressed all in black with a scarf over his face... the shooter kind of raised his arms in triumph holding the rifle," Zobl said... the gunman then ran up the street toward Parliament Hill, and later entered the main building there, where dozens of shots rang out
  9. October 23, 2014 Ottowa shooting: Yet another false flag? Veterans Today Kevin Barrett (pro-Palestine conspiracy theory) We don’t have any absolute confirmation yet. But there were plenty of indications. First, just hours before the shooting, BBC News reported that Canada had raised its terror threat. As everyone knows, they don’t raise the terror threat level every day. Here in the USA it has been stuck on “orange” for years. If it ever starts blinking red, you can assume that a new 9/11 false flag op is on the way
  10. October 23rd, 2014 Denis G. Rancourt Police kill shooter and lose suspect in Ottawa — points finger at US andnot those attacked by Canada  (pro-Palestine conspiracy theory) the Canadian public appears to generally accept the notion that this murder of a soldier in Canada is an act of “terrorism”. It is either an act of war, if it was directed by those being attacked by Canada, or it is a murder...  The persons most likely to benefit from this murder are Prime Minister Harper and his political party,... The military-surveillance establishment and those committed to sycophantism towards the US are the other clear beneficiaries of this murder. Those attacked by Canada will derive no benefit whatsoever... no external group has claimed responsibility.
  11. October 23, 2014 Ottawa shooting: a false flag designed to steal away our freedoms? non-aligned media (pro-Palestine conspiracy theory) Brandon Martinez: the alleged shooting at the Canadian parliament and a nearby war memorial that took place today smells like a false-flag operation designed to expedite the Harper regime’s militarist agenda.Former CSIS Assistant Director Ray Boisvert said this on CBC: "We need to get at those who are the purveyors of hate. So those who proselytize, those who are radicalizing, we need to find ways to go after them with respect to hate speech or perhaps its time for new legislation under the anti-terrorism act as we’re seeing in the UK.” echoed what British PM David Cameron said in a UN speech last month wherein he called for “non-violent extremists” to be criminalized. The traitorous British statesman specifically named 9/11 and 7/7 skeptics as falling within his dubious definition of “non-violent extremists.” Another suspicious guest tried to link Ottawa shooting to ISIS and Islamism, when Stephen Harper is looking to justify his decision to whore out our military in the US-led bombing initiative in Iraq.
  12. October 23, 2014 13 injured Stolen vehicle plows into Ohio bar, injures 13 (Reuters) In Cleveland suburb, thirteen people were injured late Thursday after a high-speed police chase ended with a stolen truck crashing through the front of a bar in a western suburb of Cleveland
  13. 1 killed by police October 23, 2014 Family, friends hold candlelight vigil for Michael Minor, Md. man fatally shot by Prince George's Co. sheriff's deputy Family, friends and coworkers gathered Sunday night for a candlelight vigil for a man who was shot and killed by police in Prince George's County. Michael Minor, 38, was shot and killed Thursday after a woman said she had been assaulted by her boyfriend and believed he had a gun. When deputies asked Minor to show his hands, refused, and was shot as he made furtive gestures. Some who gathered Sunday for the vigil believe this shooting falls into a pattern among law enforcement agencies
  14. October 23, 2014 Prince George's County Sheriff's Office identifies deputy who shot, killed unarmed man in Suitland home  Sunday, October 26 AP - Brad Bell The Prince George's County Sheriff's Office has identified the deputy who fatally shot a man after responding to a domestic violence call involving a gun. a man appeared at the front door and confronted them. The sheriff's office says Wade shot the man, who later died at a hospital.  ABC7's Brad Bell has reported that sources say the man was unarmed, but was taunting officers.
  15. October 23, 2014 Cepeda, Cesar (27) Texas (Brownsville) During a pursuit, Cepeda charged at law enforcement officers with an axe that led them to fatally shoot him, according to authorities.[6]
  16. October 23, 2014 Roman, Luis (25) Massachusetts (Dartmouth) A fatal police-involved shooting in Dartmouth Thursday night is under investigation, Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter said.[7]
  17. October 23, 2014 Bustos, Jeremy (43) Arizona (Avondale) Avondale police fatally shot a man Thursday morning after he rammed a patrol car while driving a stolen truck then got out of the vehicle with a machete.[8]
    1. 7 injured October 23, 2014 7 hurt, 2 seriously, as car accidentally plows into Mexican Restaurant in San Francisco Bay Area October 24, 2014 Associated Press: A car that accidentally accelerated in parking lot and plowed through a storefront in Dublin, Calif. Police say seven people were injured when a car crashed into the restaurant in a Northern California shopping center. A 56-year-old female driver had just pulled into a parking lot outside Taqueria Los Pericos.

    1. October 3, 1980 bombing of Paris Synagogie Hassan Diab is a former sociology lecturer at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, who was arrested in 2008 for an alleged role in the 1980 Paris synagogue bombing. On June 6, 2011, a judge in Ottawa agreed to a French request to extradite Diab to France for trial, and several appeals followed. On April 4, 2012, the Minister of Justice, Rob Nicholson, ordered Diab extradited to France to face terror bombing charges. Diab's lawyer is expected to appeal that decision. On October 3, 1980, the eve of Simchat Torah, a bomb went off outside the Union Libérale Israélite de France synagogue on Rue Copernic, Paris. Four people were killed and more than forty injured. The bomb, consisting of about 10 kilograms (22 lb) of Semtex explosives, had been hidden in the saddlebags of a motorcycle parked outside the synagogue. It went off at 6:38 PM, shortly before the end of services. None of those killed were members of the congregation.  French police initially suspected that the attack had been carried out by neo-Nazis, but later attributed it to the PFLP or one of its offshoots. In 2008 France began seeking the extradition of Hassan Diab, a Lebanese-born Canadian citizen, in connection with the bombing. The bombing was the first of a string of attacks against Jews in Europe. On August 29, 1981, a synagogue in Vienna, Austria, was attacked by Palestinian gunmen, who killed two people and wounded 30 in the 1981 Vienna synagogue attack. On October 20, 1981, also the eve of Simchat Torah, three people were killed and 94 injured in a truck bomb attack outside a synagogue in the diamond-trading centre of Antwerp, Belgium in the 1981 Antwerp bombing.[7][8]
    2. June 16, 2014 Iran’s ‘anti-Canada rhetoric’ had officials on guard in June for possible Ottawa area terror attacks Stewart Bell | June 16, 2014 Ottawa's high-profile government, military and tourist sites make it an attractive terror target, a report warns. Noting Iran’s rising “anti-Canada rhetoric,” intelligence officials have been monitoring the Islamic republic as a potential terrorist threat to the Ottawa area, newly declassified documents show. While the diplomatic falling out between Ottawa and Tehran is well-known, the intelligence reports are the first indication the Canadian government is tracking the possibility it could lead to terrorism in the capital. The reports, written by the Integrated Terrorist Assessment Centre, do not specify the exact nature of the threat Tehran may pose to the Ottawa region but in the past Iran has used its proxy force, Hezbollah, to attempt attacks internationally.
    3. July 11, 2014 Misbahuddin Ahmed found guilty of 2 Canada terrorism charges CBC News Jul 11, 2014 Former Ottawa hospital technician Misbahuddin Ahmed has been found guilty of two terrorism-related charges by a jury. Ahmed, 30, had pleaded not guilty to conspiring to knowingly facilitate a terrorist activity, participation in the activities of a terrorist group, and possession of explosives with intent to do harm after his arrest in August 2010. Crown lawyers said during the trial that Ahmed was a "committed jihadist" with an eye on potential Canadian targets, pointing to a bag in his basement they alleged held bomb-making materials. Ahmed and his defence said during the trial that he was trying to stop a planned attack and was planning to destroy the contents of the bag, which he got from a known extremist. A verdict is expected in the trial for Khurram Sher, one of Ahmed's alleged co-conspirators, on Aug. 19.
    4. October 21, 2014 Racist ChinatownTour Guide’s Last Day at Work A San Francisco sightseeing bus tour guide went on a racist rant about Chinese people in Chinatown to tourists on her last day on the job while drinking alcohol. the woman defends her racism by saying that she used to live in the Chinatown area and that it’s an awful place to live because of the people in it, despite being the cheapest area in San Francisco. 'F*** You Chinatown!': Bottle-Wielding San Francisco Tour Guide Caught on Video Going on Vile, Racist Rant TheBlaze video was posted on YouTube Tuesday, apparently by a German tourist. 
    5. October 22, 2014 Interstate 5 semi-truck crash snarls Seattle traffic A jackknifed semi truck blocked all lanes of northbound I-5 at Mercer Street through Seattle early 5:45 a.m. Wednesday morning as heavy rain soaked the region making driving conditions hazardous.
    6. October 22, 2014 White House Fence Jumper Charged With Felonies After Kicking Dog Time A man who climbed over the White House fence Wednesday evening was immediately apprehended... Suspect 23-year-old Dominic Adesanya of Maryland, was unarmed. He is charged with two counts of kicking and punching police dogs and one count of making threats, as well as with four misdemeanor charges for resisting/unlawful entry. It was just hours after a gunman shot and killed a Canadian soldier on guard outside Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, and a month after a man jumped the White House fence and got deep inside the White House cnn no terrorist threat, son downward mental health, he hears voices, after was prohibited from football team at Stevenson University in Westminster, Md and dropped out of school in November. Doctors have diagnosed him with paranoia and schizophrenia and have prescribed antidepressants and other drugs, but his father says has been refusing to fill the order. Father, Victor Adesanya says his son is paranoid and hears voices. He was arrested near the White House about two months ago and charged with a misdemeanor as he was "at the gate, fussing at the people, wanting to talk to the President to tell the President about his situation."


  18. Hiva Alizadeh pleads guilty in Ottawa terrorism trial ... - Cbc
    Sep 17, 2014 - A man police called the ringleader of a group accused of plotting attacks in Canada has pleaded guilty to explosives possession with the intent ...

  19. Misbahuddin Ahmed found guilty of 2 terrorism charges - Cbc
    Jul 11, 2014 - Former Ottawa hospital technician Misbahuddin Ahmed has been found guilty of two terrorism-related charges by a jury.

  20. Ottawa man gets 24 years after surprise guilty plea in terror ...

    Toronto Star
    Sep 17, 2014 - An Ottawa man sentenced to 24 years in prison for his part in a terroristconspiracy is intent on 'deradicalizing,' says his lawyer.

  21. Ottawa man found guilty of being part of terrorist conspiracy › Canada

    Jul 11, 2014 - OTTAWA — He palled around with a terrorist until he became one himself. Misbahuddin Ahmed will soon be severely punished for his 2010 ...

  22. Sher trial: Prosecutor says Gatineau Park excursion wasn't ... › ... › Defence Watch › National › World
    Ottawa Citizen
    Apr 4, 2014 - Claims by accused terrorist conspirator Khurram Sher that he was duped into giving money to fund terrorism are “preposterous” federal Crown ...

  23. Iran's 'anti-Canada rhetoric' has officials on guard for ...

    National Post
    Jun 16, 2014 - Noting Iran's rising “anti-Canada rhetoric,” intelligence officials have been monitoring the Islamic republic as a potential terrorist threat to the ...

  24. US-led air strikes killed 521 fighters, 32 civilians in Syria: monitor

    Reuters - ‎5 hours ago‎
    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Air strikes by U.S.-led forces have killed 521 Islamist fighters and 32 civilians during a month-long campaign in Syria, a monitoring group which tracks the violence said on Thursday.

    West Town man killed, another wounded in Richton Park shooting

    Chicago Tribune - ‎2 hours ago‎
    One man is dead and another wounded following a shooting near a Richton Park business this evening, police said. Police were called to near an AutoZone store, 3650 Sauk Trail in the south suburb, about 7 p.m.

    Shots fired at Canadian War Memorial, Parliament; soldier killed, police ...

    Washington Post - ‎9 hours ago‎
    A soldier was killed during a shooting at Canada's National War Memorial on Wednesday morning, which was followed quickly by additional gunfire inside the nearby Parliament, according to police.

    Ben Taub Hospital shooting leaves 2 dead - ‎10 hours ago‎
    Law enforcement officers stand outside Ben Taub General Hospital following a shooting in the outpatient pharmacy on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014, in Houston.

    Bomb Outside Cairo University Wounds 10

    ABC News - ‎Oct 22, 2014‎
    After Wednesday's explosion, security forces quickly cordoned off the area, according to footage from private television stations.

    Police: 9-Year-Old Girl Killed In Anaheim Shooting

    CBS Local - ‎2 hours ago‎
    ANAHEIM ( - A 9-year-old girl died Wednesday after being shot while playing with friends in front of her home in Anaheim, officials said.

    Concourse at Miami International closed after fake bomb threat

    Fox News - ‎19 hours ago‎
    "When anyone makes a joke about any kind of explosive, they say the word bomb, they say they have the word explosives, they say anything that can create a threat to our terminal, our public, our passengers and our aircraft, you can bet your bottom ...

    Explosion kills 5 people near bus station in Nigeria

    CNN - ‎6 hours ago‎
    Abuja, Nigeria (CNN) -- An explosion near a bus station left five people dead and 12 others injured in northern Nigeria, police said Thursday morning.

    Leaked Autopsy Details Struggle Before Ferguson Shooting Death

    Wall Street Journal - ‎18 hours ago‎
    St. Louis County police, who are handling the investigation into the shooting, declined to comment on the autopsy report. Other witnesses and the Brown family have said Mr. Brown was approaching the officer with his hands spread when he was killed.

    Baby killed at Jerusalem train station; mom from Monsey

    The Journal News | - ‎2 minutes ago‎
    Ultra-orthodox Jewish mourners attend the funeral of three-month-old baby Chaya Zissel Braun in Jerusalem on October 23, 2014, after she was killed when a Palestinian driver rammed a group of pedestrians. (Photo: MENAHEM KAHANA, AFP/Getty Images).

    Baby girl killed in Jerusalem is an American, US official says

    Jerusalem Post - ‎4 hours ago‎
    "We express our deepest condolences to the family of the baby, reportedly an American citizen, who waskilled in this despicable attack, and extend our prayers for a full recovery to those injured.

    UPDATE: Three People Wanted After Stabbing in Pittston - ‎15 hours ago‎
    UPDATE - Jose Pagan, 19, of Duryea was arraigned Wednesday on charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, disorderly conduct, harassment, and recklessly endangering another person.

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