
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sharon Budd Critically Injured by Rock Thrown From Danville PA Bridge

Sharon Budd Critically Injured by Rock Thrown From Danville PA Bridge ---
tags: vandalism, attack on vehicle,

1 critically injured, 4 charged July 10, 2014 Sharon Budd Critically Injured by Rock Thrown From Danville PA Bridge  A school teacher and mother of four Sharon Budd, 52 was crticially injured after what was either a freak accidental prank or deliberate attack on a Pennsylvania highway. Two brothers, ages 17 and 18, are accused of throwing the 7- to 8-pound football sized rock which crashed through the windshield at 65 mph. They are facing felony charges of aggravated assault and conspiracy, among other charges. State police charged two more juveniles in connection with the July 10 rock-throwing incident, Tyler G. Porter and a 17-year-old identified only as KLM Brothers Dylan, 17, and Brett Lahr, 18, also of the New Columbia area, previously were charged and are free after posting $50,000 bail each shafaqna abc


Woman injured by rock hurled off overpass remains critical as surgery is delayed
Sharon Budd, 52, was critically injured on Thursday when she was hit by a 7- to 8-pound rock off an overpass on Interstate 80 near Danville, Pa.

Ohio Woman Recovering After Rock Dropped on Car

A northeast Ohio woman who was critically injured when a rock was dropped on her family s car from a Pennsylvania overpass has made amazing strides, her husband said.
Sharon Budd is taking steps, talking in short sentences, eating soft foods and writing and drawing, Randy Budd told the Akron Beacon Journal ( ) Wednesday.

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