
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Scottish Independence

Scottish Independence ---

Why is everybody lined up to support Palestine / Russia / Iran / anti-West supporting Scottish Independence? Was it really just an effort to weaken the United Kingdom, one of the key players in the war against terrorism?

  • Algemeiner  (pro-Israel) Ben Cohen: Jews in Europe have rarely thrived under nationalist leaders. In the last century, nationalists across the continent reminded us constantly that we were an alien presence that didn’t belong. The left-wing populism that underlies the nationalist movement in Scotland and elsewhere in western Europe is distinctly unfriendly to Israel, seeing the Jewish state as an outpost of the same “imperial” system that they themselves are fighting against.
  • China BBC News - Why China's wary of Scottish independence Sep 9, 2014 - China is an enthusiastic consumer of Scottish products, but it is not backing independence.
  • David Cameron British Prime Minister warned the Scots against declaring independence
  • Queen Elizabeth 
  • Alex Salmond Scottish National Party leader Calls For Arms Embargo On Israel Over Gaza, advised by Islamist-linked Humza Yousaf 
  • Al Arabiya Gaza war seen as boost for Scottish independence  Ongoing violence in Gaza has prompted a surge in support for Scottish independence, amid rising frustration over the UK government's “weak” stance against Israel. Shocking images from Gaza, where more than 1,650 Palestinians have been killed – as well as the lack of a strong rebuke by UK Prime Minister David Cameron – are encouraging more people to vote “yes” next month, according to some in support of independence. The Scottish Government has already been active in its response to the crisis. It pledged £500,000 ($840,000) of aid to Gaza. 
  • Electronic Intifada Scottish independence could be positive for Palestine As a Palestinian living in Scotland, I’ve been arguing in favor of independence. To Palestinians, it is natural to believe that all peoples have the right to self-determination. Scots have to endure foreign policy decisions... during Israel’s most recent attack on Gaza. Humza Yousaf, the Scottish minister for external affairs, called for “a complete suspension” of British arms sales to Israel until an investigation is conducted on whether British military equipment has been used in the current Israeli operation.
  • Infowars It's really all about oil
  • Iran: Sources warn of vote rigging nformed sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, have told Press TV...[[many reasons ]] have strengthened suspicion of vote-rigging attempts. British Prime Minister David Cameron warned the Scots against declaring independence. Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond accused Cameron of using “scaremongering” tactics against Scotland’s independence
  • jhaines6 It’s really all about oil. If Scotland becomes independent, it gets to keep 90% of the revenues from its huge oil reserves.
  • Muslim Scotland-based Asian radio station Awaz FM found that 64 percent of listeners support a split from the UK. Yousaf said that the support could be even higher than that. “From my experience there’s at least two-thirds support for the ‘yes’ vote among the Muslim community. 
  • Palestine Bagpipers Scottish independence campaign finds support in Palestinian bagpipers A collection of bagpipe bands in Palestinian communities throw their support behind Scottish independence ahead of the upcoming referendum
  • Ron Paul went on RT to support Scottish Independence
  • Russia Kremlin propaganda channel RT speculated that the result might have been rigged and expressed surprise at the "North Korean" levels of turnout. Afshin Rattansi, the presenter of RT's Going Underground show, said there were "international considerations", such as the UK's nuclear deterrent, which had affected the outcome. guardian
  • Scottish John on Alex Jones Infowars to support independence
  • TheRebel  Scots kiss goodbye to independence A second referendum – with no last-minute ambush or other hokey-pokey – will be needed. Those legendary freedom-fighters William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, who achieved true Scottish independence through a long campaign of broken heads and hacked limbs in the 14th century, must be spinning in their graves at Scotland’s comfy capitulation in the 21st century.
  • Uyghurs: Radio Free Asia As a leader of a people who feel colonized by China, what is your view of the referendum results?...This demonstration of allowing the choice of self-governance [for the Scottish people] is a moral boost for our own efforts. The Uyghurs wish to use the same democratic process used in Scotland in East Turkestan. But the result in East Turkestan, I am confident, would be different from that of Scotland. 
  • Ukraine rebels  the Donetsk People's Republic - the Ukrainian rebel enclave - said the Scottish referendum had been falsified. Miroslav Rudenko, a member of the republic's self-declared supreme council, said he suspected the UK government was guilty of foul play. "I don't rule out that the British authorities have falsified the results of this referendum.  guardian


Allen Z. Hertz September 22, 2014 6:05 pm It is telling that the 6.2 million Jews in Israel now outnumber the 5.3 million Scots in Scotland. There are today more Jews in Israel than there are Irish in Ireland, Norwegians in Norway, Danes in Denmark or Finns in Finland. What makes European politicians like Alex Salmond think that they have some standing to denigrate the Jewish People and Israel? Israel is the aboriginal homeland of the Jewish People. There, the gradual emergence of the Hebrew language and the religion of Judaism led to the self-identification of a specifically named “Jewish” People some 26 centuries ago. From that time until today, there has never been a single year when self-identified “Jews” were entirely absent from their native land, where they are again the majority of the local population. Do Jews go about denigrating the Scots and their connection to Scotland? No, they do not. Therefore, in return, let’s have some reciprocal respect from Alex Salmond.

Who is Alex Salmond? Alex Salmond Calls For Arms Embargo On Israel Over Gaza ... Aug 5, 2014 - Alex Salmond will today back calls for the United Kingdom government to impose an arms embargo on Israel following its military actions in ...

HUMZA YOUSAF MSP: THE ISLAMIST-LINKED ‘RADICAL’ BEHIND SALMOND AND SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE by RAHEEM KASSAM AND ANDRE WALKER  18 Sep 2014 Scottish leader Salmond scents victory in historic poll Edinburgh (AFP) - Independence from the United Kingdom has been the life’s work of Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond. With polls narrowing ahead of Thursday's referendum, Salmond stands on the brink... GLASGOW, United Kingdom – As Scotland votes on independence, in a campaign led by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond and a coterie of advisors, few can claim more influence than Member of the Scottish Parliament Humza Yousaf. Yousaf was recently described by the BBC's Andrew Neil as “the power behind Alex Salmond”. But how much do we know about the 29-year-old chalked up to be an independent Scotland’s Foreign Secretary and perhaps even Prime Minister..  Prior to his election to the Scottish Parliament in 2011, Yousaf had been a media spokesman for Islamic Relief, a charity that has been accused on a number of occasions of being a front group for radical Islamism. Yousaf was a volunteer for Islamic Relief since the age of 10. Yousaf was also heavily involved in a community radio station for over a decade and helped organise food parcels for asylum seekers.

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