
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Misfortune Timeline Year 2007

Misfortune Timeline Year 2007 ---

Year 2007 

United States 

  1. February 4, 2007 Frank Fechteler 2007 CT Newington High School Attack Plot In Connecticut police charged a 17-year-old Newington High School student junior Frank Fechtele with two felony counts of manufacturing bombs in connection with a school violence plot. Investigators say that they learned Fechteler was planning to attack classmates after they saw videos he posted on YouTube shooting tactical rifles at an outdoor range in Glastonbury and setting off homemade pipe bombs with a friend. He was suspected of plotting a Columbine-style massacre at the school and kept a hit list with at least 20 names of potential victims in a red folder in his bedroom. An attack was planned for April 10 using a semiautomatic rifle or a shotgun to target ``people that had been picking on him for a long time,' an arrest affidavit said. He also planned to use Molotov cocktails, 10 shrapnel pipe bombs, propane bombs and a car bomb.
  2. February 12, 2007. In Salt Lake City’s Trolley Square Mall, 5 people were shot to death and 4 others were wounded by 18-year-old muslim gunman Sulejman Talović in what was not categorized as an Islamist radical attack. One of the victims was a 16-year-old boy. thinkprogress
  3. February 25, 2007 Michael Estrella was found guilty of gang assault as as  one of a group of teens charged in the death of 20-year-old Gerlin Collado in East New York. Police say Collado had been dancing with a girl at a party and her boyfriend got jealous. They say he was followed to the subway station where he was stabbed several times in the chest and later died at the hospital.
  4. February 23, 2007 11 Youths Arrested In DC Gang Stabbings Washington Post Friday, March 2, 2007 Eleven young gang members, including a 12-year-old, are facing attempted murder charges in connection with a rampage in Wheaton and Aspen Hill on Saturday that ended with a mentally challenged Silver Spring man being beaten and stabbed, Montgomery County police said yesterday. Two of them also are accused of a double stabbing that occurred earlier that evening at the Wheaton Metro station. All three victims survived, but the Silver Spring man is hospitalized in critical condition.
Month April 2007
  1. April 16, 2007. Virginia Tech became the site of the deadliest school shooting in US history when a student, Seung-Hui Choi, gunned down 56 people. Thirty-two people died in the massacre. thinkprogress
Month September 2007
  1. Sept. 20, 2007 3 Suspects Arrested in 2007 Santa Barbara CA Stabbing Attack on Teen Santa Barbara police say the assault was gang related  At 10:10 p.m. Sept. 20, 2007, the 17-year-old male was walking home alone after playing basketball with friends. A car pulled up beside him and several young men jumped out to confront him. The suspects, each armed with a knife, attacked the teen. The victim was stabbed multiple times, including in the neck and torso.  The attack occurred during a period of frequent attacks by gang members and associates against their rivals. As information emerged, arrested were Ruben Nicholas Mize and Carlos Rafael Lopez, and Jacob Munoz Medina. All three face charges of attempted murder and committing the crime to benefit a criminal street gang.
Month December 2007
  1. December 5, 2007. A 19-year-old boy, Robert Hawkins, shot up a department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, NE. 19 year old Hawkins killed 9 people and wounded 4 before killing himself. The semi-automatic rifle he used was stolen from his stepfather’s house. thinkprogress His note read he "was a piece of s--- all his life, and now I'll be famous."
  2. 4 killed 5 injured plus suspect suicide December 9, 2007 Colorado YWAM and New Life shootings In the early morning hours after midnight, 24-year-old Matthew J. Murray knocked on the door and opened fire at the Youth With A Mission training center in Arvada, Colorado, with a pistol, killing two and wounding two others before escaping. Later that afternoon, he attacked the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a number of firearms, killing two more people and injuring three before being shot and wounded by Jeanne Assam a volunteer guard and former policewoman; he then committed suicide. 
  3. 6 killed 2 suspects guilty December 24, 2007 Joseph McEnroe and Michele Kristen Anderson Guilty 2007 Carnation WA Murders The Carnation murders were a mass murder of six of three generations of suspect's own family members, including two young children. Arrested and convicted were Michele Kristen Anderson and her boyfriend, Joseph Thomas McEnroe, both aged 29 who had jobs in the community. The victims were her parents, Wayne, 60, who worked at Boeing and Judith Anderson, 61 who was a mail carrier; her brother, Scott, and his wife, Erica, both 32; and the couple's two children, Olivia, 5, and Nathan, 3 all shot with a .357-caliber Magnum handgun. McEnroe had met Anderson online and moved to Washington to marry her. The couple were seen as distant, paranoid and unfriendly. The motive was unclear but police speculated Anderson could have been angry over money issues when her parents were asking her to pay rent on their trailer. McEnroe’s mother had been searching for her son, and called him a “good Christian”. He told the court that he felt some sort of acceptance with Jehovah's Witnesses, but when stopped studying for ministry when he felt he had filed and been rejected by God when the he told elders he didn't have a guilt-free conscience.
  4. December 31, 2007 The shooting of Michael Sungman Cho occurred on in the Orange County city of La Habra, California.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Cho, a 25-year-old Korean-American artist, was brandishing a tire iron outside a store and was shot 11 times by two police officers. The shooting was ruled justified by the Orange County district attorney. Cho's family received a $250,000 settlement from a lawsuit. Cho's death was the second Orange County officer-involved shooting in two days; on the morning of January 30, police responding to a domestic violence call shot a man in the abdomen after he allegedly lunged at them with a knife.[4] Cho's family hired Shelley Kaufman and Pat Harris, attorneys with the firm of high-profile criminal defense lawyer Mark Geragos (wikipedia 2015)

International List of Terrorist Incidents (Wikipedia)
DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
January 3    00 PakistanLoti A gasline was bombed in the Loti gasfields resulting in the suspension of natural gas however no injuries or deaths were reported.[1]
January 4    1325 IraqBaghdad Two explosive devices detonated near the Abu Jaafar al-Mansor fuel station in the Mansour neighborhood of west Baghdad, killing thirteen people and wounding twenty-five others. Attacks on gas stations are frequent in Iraq, as militants attempt to disrupt the oil industry. Attacks are also common because gas stations often have long lines of patrons waiting to purchase fuel.[2]
January 4    11 ThailandNarathiwat Police report that one young man was killed and another injured in a drive-by shooting in the Rusoh district of Narathiwat on Thursday. Police believe that two Islamic insurgents are responsible for the death of the 19-year-old victim. Islamic insurgents in Thailand's south continue to target civilians, educators, police, military, as well as religious and community leaders in drive-by shootings, arson, and bomb attacks aimed at destabilizing society and pressing for independence from Thailand. The current insurgency has been underway since January 2004.[2]
January 5    630 Sri LankaNittambuwa: A bus is bombed. The government blames Tamil Tiger, who denies it.[3][4] See 2007 Sri Lankan bus bombs.
January 5    03 PhilippinesCotabato Police report that three people were critically injured in a bomb attack against a fast-food chain in the city of Cotabato on Friday. The explosion was caused by two improvised explosive devices made from a 60 millimeter mortar shell that went off during the busy lunch hour. Two other explosives that failed to detonate were later found at the scene. Three people were injured in the attack and two cars were seriously damaged along with restaurant property. Police said that intelligence reports indicated that two leaders of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front had committed the attacks in the name of Jemaah Islamiyah.[5]
January 61524 Sri Lanka, near the tourist resort of Hikkaduwa: A bus is bombed. The government blames Tamil Tiger, who denies it.[4]
January 6    13 IraqBaghdad A bomb targeting the convoy of General Ali al-Yassiri, the head of Baghdad's emergency police, killed a civilian and wounded two policemen and a civilian. Al-Yassiri was not harmed in the blast. Attacks on police are frequent in Iraq.[6]
January 6    34 IraqBaghdad A bomb placed at a fuel station in the Doura district of Baghdad killed three people and wounded four others. Attacks on gas stations are frequent in Iraq, as militants attempt to disrupt one of the country's most profitable industries. Gas stations are also often targeted because they have long lines of patrons waiting to purchase fuel.[6]
January 7    211 IraqHillah A car bomb placed in a Hillah market killed two people and wounded eleven others. Attacks on crowded, public areas, particularly markets, are frequent in Iraq and often have sectarian motivations.[7]
January 10727 Philippines, General Santos City, Kidapawan City, Cotabato City. Three bombs exploded in cities across Mindanao ahead of the ASEAN summit held in Manila, killing a total of 7 and injuring at last 27.[8]
  • The first explosion destroyed a stand selling lottery tickets across the street from a public market in General Santos city. Three people died instantly and another three succumbed to their injuries, with two children among the dead while another 22 were wounded.[8]
  • The second explosion occurred in Kidapawan City, about 65 miles north of General Santos City, as an improvised bomb placed near the fence of a police outpost along the national highway exploded, injuring two male passers-by.[8]
  • The third blast at a dumpsite along a major street in Cotabato City injured up to 5 and appeared to be from an improvised bomb, although it could also have been a grenade.[8]
January 10    510 IraqTal Afar A suicide bomber detonated his explosives among a group of people outside a police station in Tal Afar, killing himself and four civilians and wounding ten others. Attacks on police are frequent in Iraq. Note, some media sources reported that the attack took place at a market.[9]
January 10    22 IraqMahmudiya A bomb exploded at a fuel station in Mahmudiya, killing two people and wounding two others. Attacks on gas stations are frequent in Iraq, as militants attempt to disrupt one of the country's most profitable industries. Attacks on petrol stations are also frequent because it is common for there to be long lines of patrons.[9]
January 13    23 IraqKirkuk Gunmen opened fire on a group of engineers and construction workers in Kirkuk, killing two and wounding three others. Attacks on those who participate in development projects are frequent in Iraq.[10]
January 13    00 AfghanistanTaloqan The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) office in Taloqan was the target of a bomb attack on January 13. No one was injured by the explosion, although sections of the office and a nearby mosque were damaged. BRAC is a non-governmental organization that has been working to train women in the area for jobs, particularly focusing on increasing literacy.[10]
January 14    16 IraqBaghdad A roadside bomb targeting police in Baghdad killed a civilian and wounded six others. Attacks on police are frequent in Iraq. The Islamic Army in Iraq claimed responsibility for targeting police with explosives in the al-Jihad district of the capital on this day. The group stated that everyone in the police vehicle was killed.[11]
January 14    45 PakistanNowshera Four people were reported killed and five others injured when a bomb exploded at the house of a prayer leader in an Afghan refugee camp in Nowshera on January 14. The prayer leader, Maulvi Masoodullah, was arrested after the attack although it is unclear who is responsible for the bombing. Masoodullah's brother was among those who died, along with house guests. Nowshera is located in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP).[11]
January 15    01 MyanmarYangon Police and eyewitnesses report that a small bomb exploded at the Bahan Post Office near downtown Yangon on Monday in the early afternoon, seriously injuring one postal worker. The post office sustained little damage, but the explosion caused panic in the building and surrounding area. On Thursday, the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors—an exiled activist group committed to the overthrow of the military junta that rules Burma—issued a statement taking responsibility for the post office attack and warning of more attacks in the future. The group also claimed to have sent parcel bombs to the Chinese embassy and the headquarters of the Union Solidarity Development Association—a political organization linked to the junta.[12]
January 15    02 ThailandNarathiwat On Monday morning, two police officers were injured in a bomb attack against a railway in the Rangae district of Narathiwat. Police believe that Islamic insurgents were responsible for the attack. Police were investigating reports of a burning tire on the track when the bomb exploded about 100 meters from where they stood. The 15 kg bomb damaged the train track and caused a suspension of service between Tanyongmas and Sungai Kolok. The bomb was remotely detonated by mobile phone. Islamic insurgents in Thailand's south continue to target civilians, educators, police, military, as well as religious and community leaders in a campaign of drive-by shootings, arson, and bomb attacks aimed at destabilizing society and pressing for independence from Thailand. The current insurgency has been underway since January 2004.[13]
January 16    70170 IraqBaghdad Three explosive devices, including one detonated by a suicide bomber, killed at least seventy students and injured as many as 170 others at Mustansiriya University in Baghdad. The attack occurred as students, the majority women, were leaving campus for the day. The first bomb exploded near the University's entrance and the second close to another exit. The suicide bomber was discovered by guards and detonated his device prematurely, killing himself but wounding only two people. Attacks on educational institutions are frequent in Iraq, as militants attempt to disrupt the country's reconstruction. This attack, however, may have also had sectarian motivations. Mustansiriya University's students are predominately Shiite, many from the nearby neighborhood of Sadr City. Students report that the University has come under greater influence of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, with some reporting deputies enforcing a strict Islamic dress code and monitoring of students' personal lives. These changes would make the campus a prime target for Sunni militants. The attack also occurred the day after Barzan Ibrahim Hasan and Awad Hamed Bandar, two high-level Sunni officials under Saddam Hussein, were executed for their involvement in the 1982 massacre of 148 Shiite men and boys in Dujail. Attacks were especially violent the day Hussein was executed in late December. It is significant to note that On 4 December 2006 Ansar al-Sunnah issued a video calling on Sunni students and professors to suspend all academic activities at Baghdad universities. The video denounced killings by death squads and asked those of all sects to abide by the decision. There is no indication that the group was involved in this attack, however.[14]
January 16    611 IraqBaghdad A bomb exploded inside a minibus as it drove through Sadr City, a Shiite area of Baghdad, killing six people and wounding eleven others. Attacks on transportation networks are frequent in Iraq, however this attack likely also had sectarian motivations.[15]
January 17    943 IraqKirkuk A suicide car bomber was shot and killed by police as he attempted to ram his vehicle into a checkpoint outside a Kirkuk police station, however his explosives detonated, killing eight additional people and wounding forty-three others. Four policemen were killed and another four were injured. The blast resulted in the collapse of part of the police station, which caused the majority of the casualties. Attacks on police are frequent in Iraq.[16]
January 17    212 IndiaDispur, Assam A bomb planted in a vegetable carton by suspected members of the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) exploded in a market in Dispur on January 17. Two people, including a child, were killed and 12 people were injured in the attack.[17]
January 17    1733 IraqBaghdad A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives at a market in the predominately Shiite Sadr City neighborhood of Baghdad, killing seventeen people and wounding thirty-three others. The attack occurred at the Mereidi market, one of the area's most popular commercial districts. Attacks on crowded, public areas, particularly markets, are frequent in Iraq and often have sectarian motivations.[18]
January 17    02 ThailandNarathiwat Police report that Islamic insurgents detonated a bomb in front of a local religious school on Wednesday just before noon in the Joh I Rong district of Narathiwat. Two soldiers who were guarding the school, known as an Islammiyah, suffered serious injuries from the blast. No civilian casualties were reported. Islamic insurgents in Thailand's south continue to target civilians, educators, police, military, as well as religious and community leaders in a campaign of drive-by shootings, arson, and bomb attacks aimed at destabilizing society and pressing for independence from Thailand. The current insurgency has been underway since January 2004.[19]
January 18    02 AfghanistanNangarhar Kama district chief, Mohammad Ali, was injured when a bomb exploded on his vehicle in Nangarhar on January 18. Suspected Taliban gunmen also opened fire on the vehicle. Ali's driver was also injured.[20]
January 18    410 IraqBaghdad A car bomb exploded near a police patrol in central Baghdad, killing four people and wounding ten others. Police were reported among the casualties. Attacks on police are frequent in Iraq. The Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for detonating a motorcycle bomb and explosives hidden inside a kiosk in central Baghdad on this day. The group stated that the attack killed more than eight police commandoes and wounded many others.[21]
January 18    11 ThailandNarathiwat Police report that two Muslim civilians—a father and son—were attacked by Islamic insurgents in a drive-by shooting on Thursday morning in the Chanae district of Narathiwat. The men were ambushed while in route to conduct a real estate transaction. The father died at the scene while the son was critically injured from the gunshot wounds he sustained. Islamic insurgents in Thailand's south continue to target civilians, educators, police, military, as well as religious and community leaders in a campaign of drive-by shootings, arson, and bomb attacks aimed at destabilizing society and pressing for independence from Thailand. The current insurgency has been underway since January 2004.[22]
January 22131186 Iraq, Haraj market in Baghdad, Khalis market near Baquba, west Baghdad, south Baghdad, Baghdad: See 22 January 2007 Baghdad bombings.[23]
January 2615 Pakistan, Marriott Hotel in Islamabad: A suicide bomber kills himself and a security guard, who is trying to enter.[24]
January 271430 Pakistan, Peshawar: A suicide bombing occurs before a Shia religious procession is started.[25]
January 293 IsraelEilat: Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claim joint responsibility for a suicide bombing.[26]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
February 3 135305 IraqBaghdad, al-Sadriya district market: Truck bombing. See 3 February 2007 Baghdad market bombing.[27]
February 3 2320 Afghanistan2007 Bagram Air Base bombing
February 171524 PakistanQuetta. A suicide bomber detonates a bomb in a courtroom.[28]
February 184 Somalia, Mogadishu: A car bomb, the first such attack of the War in Somalia.[29]
February 196849 IndiaSamjhauta Express, a train headed toward Lahore an hour after it leaves New Delhi; two bombs explode. See 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings.[30][31]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
March 110Colombia Ten injured in a car bomb blast in Neiva, capital of Huila; rebel group FARC is believed responsible. The action is suspected to be an assassination attempt on Neiva's mayor.[32]
March 35Colombia A bomb kills four police officers and one civilian in the city of Neiva, as they attempt to deactivate it.[32]
March 52Afghanistan The Taliban kidnap Italian journalist Daniele Mastrogiacomo whilst beheading his driver. Mastrogiacomo was released March 19 after Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreed to free five Taliban prisoners. His translator was left behind. On April 8, an Afghan government official confirmed that the translator was killed.[33]
March 6114147Iraq Two suicide bombers kill 114 Shiite pilgrims in Hilla, Iraq.[34]
March 161616Colombia A bomb kills 16 and injures 16 in Buenaventura. Authorities blame FARC.[35]
March 27152347Iraq Two truck bombs kill 152 people and injure 347 in Tal Afar, Iraq. See 2007 Tal Afar bombings.[36]
March 2810Colombia A bomb injures ten in a grocery store in Buenaventura.[37]
March 297981Iraq Two suicide bombers kill 79 people and injure 81 in a market in Baghdad.[citation needed]
March 30Serbia Albanian terrorists launch RPG's at 13th Century Serbian Orthodox Church Visoki Dečani A UNESCO heritage site under threat. No damage occurred.


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
April 81Afghanistan In the two weeks prior to April 8, at least thirteen Afghans and two French aid workers are kidnapped. Rebels demand further releases of their jailed associates in exchange for some of the hostages.[38]
April 9130Colombia A bomb used against a police headquarters in Cali kills one and injures 30. FARC are blamed.[39]
April 10423Morocco Three suicide bombers kill one policeman and injure 23 people in Casablanca, Morocco.[40]
April 1133222Algeria Two suicide car bombs kill 33 people and injure 222 in Algiers, Algeria; Al-Qaeda takes responsibility.[41]
April 12820Iraq One suicide bomber kills eight people and injures 20 in the cafeteria of the Iraqi Parliament, in the Green Zone in Baghdad.[42]
April 1465100Iraq Suicide car bomb kills 65 people and injure 100 in Karbala, Iraq.[43]
April 1413Morocco Two suicide bombers explode at an internet cafe, near the American Language Center, in Casablanca, Morocco; one person is injured. On October 17, 2008 a Moroccan court sentenced more than 40 people to up to 30 years in prison over the suicide bombing. The state news agency, MAP, said those accused had been planning a string of attacks in Casablanca using home-made explosives. Authorities said, the plot was uncovered by the investigation following bombing.[44][45]
April 18200251Iraq A series of explosions kills 200 people and injures 251 in Baghdad, Iraq. See 18 April 2007 Baghdad bombings.[46]
April 183Turkey In MalatyaTurkey, hometown of Mehmet Ali Agca, three Christian men—one of them a 45-year-old German father of three children, Tilman Geske—are brutally murdered by at least four young men who confess to the slayings. The assassins torture their victims for hours before cutting their throats; an autopsy of the German victim finds 156 stab wounds. Hurriyet newspaper quotes a suspect: "Let this be a lesson to enemies of our religion."[47][48][49]
April 2010Somalia A suicide car bomber attacked an Ethiopian army base in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia.[50]
April 2511Somalia A suicide bomber kills 11 during an attack on a hotel south of Mogadishu, Somalia.[51]
April 282835Pakistan Interior minister Aftab Ahmad Sherpao of Pakistan suffers minor injuries, 28 are killed, and 35 are injured (ten critically) in a suicide bombing after the minister finishes speaking.[52]
April 282835Iraq A car bomb kills 63 people and injures 70 in Karbala, Iraq.[53]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
May 63580Iraq A car bomb kills 35 people and injures 80 in Baghdad, Iraq.[54]
May 618State of Palestine In a bomb attack by Muslim extremists on an UN-run elementary school in the southern Gaza refugee camp of Rafah, one person, a bodyguard of a local Fatah politician, is killed; eight others, including two children, are injured. The attack happens during a sports festival that earlier had been denounced as un-Islamic by the extremists.[55]
May 12114Turkey In IzmirTurkey, a bomb explosion on a market kills one person and injures 14 others, one day before a planned march of secular Turks to demonstrate against the Islamic-rooted government.[56]
May 1350115Iraq A suicide truck bomb kills 50 people and injures 115 in Makhmur, Iraq.[57]
May 152425Pakistan A bomb explodes in a restaurant in Pakistan's northwest city of Peshawar; up to 24 people are killed.[58]
May 18137Philippines Five-year-old Adril Watangao is killed and 37 other people are injured when a bomb, probably laid by Islamic extremists, explodes in the Weena bus terminal in Cotabato city, in the Mindanao region of southern Philippines.[59]
May 1816100India Attack on Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad. For details, see 18 May 2007 Mecca Masjid bombing.[60]
May 2100United States Students at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA planned to throw pipe bombs at people protesting the funeral of Reverend Jerry Falwell. The students were arrested before the incident.[61]
May 229121Turkey A suicide bombing rips through an Ankara shopping district Tuesday, killing nine people and wounding dozens more. See 2007 Ankara bombing.[62]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
June 3720Somalia A car bomb suicide attack on the Prime Minister's house in Mogadishu kills six guards and injures 20, while PM Ali Mohamed Gedi survives his third assassination attempt unhurt.
June 410Somalia Another suicide car bomb was detonated near an Ethiopian Army Base.[64]
June 8128Thailand An explosion occurs outside a tea shop in the city of Yala and kills one woman and wounds 28 other people.
June 825Pakistan A bomb explodes on a bus as it is traveling through the town of Hub, in Balochistan province. Two passengers die and five suffer injuries.
June 810Philippines An improvised bomb explodes aboard a bus in a remote area of Cotabato; ten people are injured.
June 1014Turkey A bomb explodes outside a clothing store in Istanbul and injures 14 people.
June 11137Kenya A bomb explodes in a business district of Nairobi. The blast occurs outside the Ambassador Hotel, just a few blocks from the U.S. Embassy—scene of a devastating bomb attack in 1998—killing one person and injuring 37 others.
June 14Lebanon A car bomb kills ten people in BeirutLebanon. Among the dead is the MP Walid Eido.
June 14Bangladesh Motihar police are able to defuse a bomb planted at the main gate of the Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology(RUET). The bomb is the latest in a series targeting the area and is claimed by Jadid al Qaeda.
June 1975204Iraq A truck bomb blast on a square near the al-Khilani mosque kills at least 75 and wounds 204.[citation needed]
June 2462Lebanon A suicide car bomb targets and kills six members of Unifil, near the border with Israel; two others are also injured. The casualties are Spanish and Colombian nationals.
June 29410Ivory Coast Four people are dead and ten are injured by three launched rockets and fired AK-47s in an assassination attempt on prime minister Guillaume Soro.
June 29, June 305Scotland 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack2007 London car bombs2007 UK terrorist incidentsCar bomb plot, suspected Al-Qaeda. At Glasgow-International Airport, a car rams into terminal one, causing minor injuries to five people and setting off a blaze. An explosive device catches fire instead of detonating. In London's West End, an attempt to set off two car bombs by suspected cell-phone triggers fails. One car is towed before the device is discovered in an underground car park. Police link two the incidents and find suicide notes on two suspects in the London incident.
[74] Eight men are arrested, one Glasgow suspect is critically burned. One of the five men could be an associate of Dhiren Bharot, a high-level Al-Qaeda operative. Authorities say the London bombs could have caused "significant loss of life."[75][76] Police link the two incidents to the same two people.[77]
June 29Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Navy personnel find a truck packed with over 1000 kg (2200 lbs.) of high explosives in the eastern port city ofTrincomalee. It is suspected that Tamil Tiger (LTTE) rebels were planning to use it to blow up a major civilian target in the area. Two weeks earlier, a similar explosive-laden Tamil Tigers truck was detected close to Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka.


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
July 21012Yemen Eight Spanish tourists and two Yemenis are killed and another twelve are wounded in a suicide bombing attack at the Queen of Sheba temple in Marib.
July 192Afghanistan The Taliban kidnap 23 South Korean church workers, killing two execution-style and dumping their bloodied bodies by the roadside. Two of the female hostages report being repeatedly raped. On August 30, after negotiations between the parties, all the hostages are released. An Afghan official involved in the negotiations tells ABC News that South Korea paid the Taliban $950,000 (or $50,000 a head) to secure their release, a charge that was denied by South Korea.[80] However, Seoul has confirmed that it negotiated the withdrawal of its 200 noncombatant troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2007 in exchange for the release of the hostages. The South Korean government also agreed to prevent future missionaries from entering the country.[81]
July 21Pakistan Week ending July 21: More than one hundred and fifty are killed in various incidents in retaliation for a Pakistani Army assault on the Red Mosque. The attacks are organized by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, according to Pakistani and Taliban officials interviewed byNewsweek magazine.[82]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
August 1460Russia A Moscow-St. Petersburg train is derailed by an explosion halfway between the two cities on the country's busiest rail route, leaving 60 injured, 30 of them hospitalized.[83]
August 147961,562Iraq The 2007 Yazidi communities bombings occurred at around 7:20 pm local time on August 14, 2007, when four co-ordinated suicide bomb attacks detonated in the Yazidi towns of Kahtaniya and Jazeera (Siba Sheikh Khidir), near Mosul. Iraqi Red Crescent's estimates say the bombs killed 796 and wounded 1,562 people,[1][3] making this the Iraq War's most deadly car bomb attack during the period of major American combat operations. It was also the second deadliest act of terrorism in history, following only behind the September 11 attacks in the United States.
August 254454India Hyderabad bombings. Twin bombings kill at least 44 and injure 54 in Hyderabad. Two bombs are defused and 19 others are found unexploded. Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh state, blames Islamic militants with ties to Pakistan orBangladesh, saying that the extremists want to foment tension between India's Hindus and Muslims. Both Bangladesh and Pakistan deny the accusations.[citation needed]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
September 42174Pakistan Two bomb blasts, one on a bus carrying government employees, kill at least 21 people and wound 74 in Rawalpindi.[84]
September 4Germany Three men are arrested and more are being sought on suspicion of planning attacks (potentially much larger than the London or Madrid bombings) on the Frankfurt International Airport, the U.S. military base in Ramstein, and pubs and schools frequented by Americans. The German Defense minister says, "There was an imminent threat." Two of the suspects are said to be connected to a German cell of Islamic Jihad with likely Al Qaeda ties. Two others are Muslim converts and have German citizenship, while the third is Pakistani.[85] See 2007 bomb plot in Germany.[86]
September 4Denmark Eight men with alleged links to leading senior Al Qaeda terrorists are arrested, the country's intelligence service said, claiming to have thwarted a bomb plot. The arrests occur without incident in raids on eleven locations in and around Copenhagen. The suspects are of AfghanPakistaniSomali, and Turkish origin.[87]
September 6Algeria A bombing targets President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's motorcade.[88]
September 2912Maldives A bomb explodes in the Maldivian capital, Malé, injuring twelve foreign tourists.[89]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
October 11522Pakistan In the town of Bannu, in northwestern Pakistan, a male suicide bomber disguised as a woman and wearing a burqa sets off a blast that kills at least 15 people and injures 22 others.[90]
October 213Afghanistan In Kabul, a suicide bomber wearing a pakul and a chador blows up a police bus, killing 13 officers and civilians. This occurs on the same day that a U.N. report finds that while 76% of all suicide bombings during 2007 in the country have targeted international and Afghan security forces, 143 civilians were killed by those bombs through August.[91]
October 301Iraq The Polish ambassador to Iraq, General Edward Pietrzyk, is injured in an assassination attempt in Baghdad. His convoy is hit by three bombs and is then fired upon. The diplomat sustains a leg wound and suffers burns in the attack and is evacuated from the scene via a Blackwater helicopter. The attacks kill three in his entourage and two Iraqi civilians and wound eleven Iraqi civilians.[92]
October 113Somalia A suicide bomber kills three Ethiopian soldiers near a base in Baidoa where the Prime Minister was visiting.[93]
October 11330IndiaExplosives kept in a tiffin box at a Sufi shrine resulted in the Ajmer sharif dargah blast while devotees were breaking fast duringRamadan. The site of the blasts was close to the Rajasthan state Chief Minister's Iftar Party.[94]
October 1412Netherlands In a suicide attack on a police station of the Amsterdam district Slotervaart, Bilal Bajaka, a 22-year-old Amsterdammer of Moroccan origin, severely injures two Dutch police officers by stabbing them eight times before he is shot dead by an injured policewoman. Bajaka was in contact with the Hofstad terrorist group and had been visited by Mohammed Bouyeri, the murderer ofTheo van Gogh (film director). According to media reports, Bajaka's brother Abdullah was investigated in 2005 for planning a terrorist attack on an El-Al Boeing at Schiphol airport. On the day after Bajaka's death, a group of youths throw stones at a Slotervaart police station and set cars on fire.[92][95][96][97][98][99]
October 14620India A bomb explodes in the Shingar Cinema in Ludhiana, killing at least six people and wounding 20, police say.[100]
October 18136387Pakistan Twin suicide bombings occur in Karachi near a truck carrying former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto through a crowded street of supporters eight hours after her return from exile, despite 20,000 security officers having been assigned to protect her. At least 136 are killed and 387 are wounded; Bhutto escapes unharmed. The Taliban or Al Qaeda are suspected.[101][102]
October 211216Turkey PKK stages an attack on the Turkish outpost in Hakkari. The attack wounds 16 and kills 12 Turkish soldiers carried out of northern Iraq. Also, eight soldiers are kidnapped.[103][104]
October 262United States A pair of improvised explosive devices are thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder and detonated by fuses, causing very minor damage. Police investigate the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New York in 2005.[105]
October 31850Russia Eight people died and over 50 were injured on Wednesday morning in a suspected terrorist blast on a bus in central Togliatti.[106] [107]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
November 680Afghanistan A bomb explodes outside a sugar factory in the northern part of the country, killing at least 80 people, including members of the Afghan parliament, according to officials.[108]
November 1329Philippines An explosion in the Philippine House of Representatives kills two people, including a congressman, and wounds nine others.[109]
November 231580India Uttar Pradesh serial blasts. Near-simultaneous blasts triggered by militants in court premises in Varanasi, Faizabad, and the state capital kill 15 people and injure more than 80.[110]
November 23513Russia A bomb goes off on a bus that is traveling from Vladikavkaz, in the Russian Republic of North Ossetia, to the neighboring city of Pyatigorsk; five people are killed and another 13 are injured.[111]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
December 12France Three ETA gunmen kill one Spanish civil guard and mortally wounded another (who died 4 days later) in Capbreton,France.[112]
December 61France A parcel bomb explodes in ParisFrance and kills one, seriously injures another, and injures several other people.[113]
December 1137177Algeria Bombings in Algiers kill 37 or more and injure 177.[114]
December 122Lebanon A car bomb kills Brigadier General Francois al-Hajj (a top candidate to head Lebanon's military) and his driver, and injures dozens more. The bombing occurs in front of the municipal building in Baabda, a Christian suburb of Beirut.[115]
December 1240125Iraq Three car bombs detonate in rapid succession, killing at least 40 and wounding 125 in the Shi'ite city of Amarah. Iraqi State television reports that many of the casualties involve women and children.[116]
December 2150100Pakistan A mosque suicide bombing kills at least 50 in Sherpao, targeting Aftab Khan Sherpao, the Interior Minister of Pakistan.[117]
December 24Turkey Police stop a would-be bomber with 3.5 kg of plastic explosives in Istanbul, outside a subway station.[118]
December 24Mauritania Four French tourists are gunned down in AlegMauritania; the family's father survives, but with serious injuries. Mauritanian police say two of the three suspects are affiliated with a salafist group close to Al-Qaeda.[119][120]
December 272446Pakistan Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto is assassinated by an attacker who shoots her after a campaign rally in Rawalpindiand then blows himself up; at least 20 are known dead. A Baitullah Mehsud Islamic Terrorism leader or elements within the Pervez Musharraf government are suspected.,[121][122][123] See Benazir Bhutto assassination.
June 14, 2007  13 schools torched in southern Thailand In an apparent coordinated attack, 13 schools were set ablaze late yesterday in southern Thailand, an escalation of violence that authorities are blaming on Muslim insurgents. On Monday in the third province, Narathiwat, three teachers, including two Buddhists were fatally shot, while a Muslim teacher was also shot the next morning. Since 2004, more than 200 schools have been burned in arson attacks and 77 teachers killed, education officials say. About 110 schools in Narathiwat and Yala provinces have been temporarily closed 

Two female teachers, both Buddhist, were fatally shot while on lunch break at Bansako School in Si Sakorn. A male teacher from another school was gunned down while buying cigarettes at a store in Ra-ngae. On Tuesday morning in Yala's Raman district, a 60-year-old Muslim teacher was fatally shot in his pick-up truck on the Raman-Balo road. Since 2004, more than 200 schools have been burned in arson attacks and 77 teachers killed, education officials say. About 110 schools in Narathiwat and Yala provinces have been temporarily closed, while officials re-assess the security situation. Teachers and schools, potent symbols of the Buddhist majority Thai central government, are prime targets in the Muslim insurgency in south Thailand, which has seen a steady escalation since 2004, with almost daily fatal shootings and bombings, killing more than 2,300 people.

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