
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ahmad Chalabi

Ahmad Chalabi ---
tags: iran, iraq, iran agent, cia believes, iraq war

(IPS Right web) Ahmed Chalabi is a controversial Iraqi political figure known for his deep ties to U.S. neoconservatives and his efforts to promote the U.S. invasion of Iraq. A former member of the Governing Council of Iraq following the U.S. invasion, Chalabi currently serves in the Iraqi parliament and has long harbored ambitions to become the country's prime minister. Chalabi first rose to prominence in Washington as the head of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), a U.S.-backed exile group founded in 1992 that agitated for regime change in Iraq

But.....(Jewish Daily Forward)  “The CIA firmly believes that Chalabi is an Iranian agent,” former CIA analyst Larry Johnson told the Forward. “Based on that, I believe Iran used us to carry their water and get rid of Saddam Hussein.” Asked why the CIA had not raised the issue earlier, Johnson replied that the agency had in fact repeatedly warned U.S. officials about Chalabi’s Iranian connections — but was ignored by the Pentagon. Johnson said CIA Director George Tenet also ignored the warnings of his own analysts, choosing instead to tow the administration’s hawkish line on Iraq.


From IPS right web

Ahmed Chalabi is a controversial Iraqi political figure known for his deep ties to U.S. neoconservatives and his efforts to promote the U.S. invasion of Iraq. A former member of the Governing Council of Iraq following the U.S. invasion, Chalabi currently serves in the Iraqi parliament and has long harbored ambitions to become the country's prime minister.

Chalabi first rose to prominence in Washington as the head of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), a U.S.-backed exile group founded in 1992 that agitated for regime change in Iraq. At the INC, Chalabi worked closely with U.S. neoconservatives like Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and played an important role in passing fabricated intelligence about Iraq's weapons programs and ties to al-Qaeda to supporters of a U.S. invasion.

In the run-up to the Iraq War, American neoconservatives and other advocates of regime change in Iraq embraced Chalabi, who had spent most of his life outside the country, as the potential leader of a democratic Iraq. But Chalabi's relationship with Washington soured as his intelligence about Iraq proved to be false and allegations emerged that he had passed on sensitive U.S. intelligence to Iran. As his relationship with Washington deteriorated in the year after the U.S. invasion and the U.S. government cut him off its payroll, Chalabi came out against the ongoing U.S. occupation of Iraq, though he still enjoys warm relations with some Beltway neoconservatives.

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(politicaloutcast) there is reason to believe that Iran helped manipulate U.S. authorities into their decision to invade Iraq. As the Guardian reported in 2004,
An urgent investigation has been launched in Washington into whether Iran played a role in manipulating the US into the Iraq war by passing on bogus intelligence through Ahmad Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress, it emerged yesterday.
Some intelligence officials now believe that Iran used the hawks in the Pentagon and the White House to get rid of a hostile neighbour, and pave the way for a Shia-ruled Iraq.
According to a US intelligence official, the CIA has hard evidence that Mr Chalabi and his intelligence chief, Aras Karim Habib, passed US secrets to Tehran, and that Mr Habib has been a paid Iranian agent for several years, involved in passing intelligence in both directions.

Did Iran Use Chalabi to Lure U.S. into Iraq? | Fox News
Fox News Channel
Jun 13, 2004 - Is it possible that Iran used Chalabi and his organization to lure the United States into invading and occupying Iraq? The troubling reality is that ...

Intel Agencies Fear Iran Used Chalabi To Lure U.S. Into Iraq ...
The Jewish Daily Forward
Intel Agencies Fear Iran Used Chalabi To Lure U.S. Into Iraq
By Marc Perelman
Published issue of June 04, 2004.
American intelligence and law enforcement agencies are investigating the possibility that Ahmad Chalabi, the former Iraqi exile leader, was used by Iranian intelligence to feed Washington false information on Iraq, with the goal of tricking America into deposing Saddam Hussein, Iran’s archenemy, several intelligence sources have confirmed.
Chalabi, once the darling of the Bush administration’s hawkish wing, has been under a cloud of suspicion for the past two weeks, since the Pentagon cut off its funding to his organization, and Iraqi security forces raided his Baghdad home and offices May 20. The New York Times reported Wednesday that American intelligence officials believe Chalabi informed an Iranian official that the United States had broken the secret communications code of Tehran’s intelligence service.
But the far more serious suspicion in intelligence circles is that he passed Iranian disinformation on Iraq to Washington in order to bolster American support for regime change in Baghdad. The allegation was first disclosed May 22 in the Long Island-based Newsday. Expanded accounts have since appeared in the London-based Guardian, the conservative Washington Times and Israel’s mass-circulation Yediot Aharonot.
Chalabi and his supporters have dismissed all the allegations against him as part of a CIA-orchestrated smear campaign. One Chalabi supporter, Danielle Pletka, vice presi- dent of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank, called the disinformation charge “the stupidest thing I ever heard.”
But several former intelligence officials told the Forward that the CIA, which has long opposed U.S. support to Chalabi, believes the former Iraqi exile is an Iranian agent and that this might have enabled Tehran to mastermind an intelligence operation of such magnitude.
“The CIA firmly believes that Chalabi is an Iranian agent,” former CIA analyst Larry Johnson told the Forward. “Based on that, I believe Iran used us to carry their water and get rid of Saddam Hussein.”
Asked why the CIA had not raised the issue earlier, Johnson replied that the agency had in fact repeatedly warned U.S. officials about Chalabi’s Iranian connections — but was ignored by the Pentagon. Johnson said CIA Director George Tenet also ignored the warnings of his own analysts, choosing instead to tow the administration’s hawkish line on Iraq.

Did Iran Use Chalabi To Lure Us Into Iraq? .By Ted Galen ...
Google News
Specifi cally, Chalabi and his cohorts are accused of informing Tehran that the ... Is it possible that Iran used Chalabi and his organ!zation to lure the United ...

Ahmad Chalabi, Who Conned America Into War, Now Aims ...
Jun 21, 2014 - Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi politician who peddled falsehoods to persuade the United States to invade Iraq, is now attempting to take over as ..
Before the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, Chalabi, a failed banker and former mathematician who lived in exile, became notorious for his influence in Washington among neoconservatives. Funded by the U.S. government itself, Chalabi’s group lobbied the successive American administrations to topple Saddam Hussein, pitching false stories about Hussein’s purported ties to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. When the U.S. invaded, Chalabi’s neoconservative allies in the administration of President George W. Bush thought Chalabi would sweep into power like an Iraqi Charles de Gaulle. But the Bush administration never put him in charge of Iraq. And as the extent of his ties to Iran became clear, many of his American allies divorced themselves from him..


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